Diagon Alley

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When all the Weasleys had arrived they went off to Flourish and Blotts.
There Ron met Hermione, "Hi Hermione!"he exclaimed, when Hermione looked at Ginny he added,"Hermione, this is my little sister, Ginny, Ginny this is my other best friend, Hermione."
"Hi,"Ginny smiled and she put her hand out for Hermione to shake," Ron's talks about you a lot."
"Does he?" Hermione asked, shaking Ginny's hand,"and about what?"
"Well, he goes on about how you're so pretty and smart-" Ron blushed and shouted, "Harry!" for Harry had just entered with broken glasses, and dirt all over him.
"Harry!" Hermione shouted and hugged him,"what did you do to your glasses?"
Hermione took out her wand and muttered"oculus reparo."
"Thanks, I need to remember that one."
"Oh thank goodness Harry, we hoped you'd only gone one grate too far"Molly began to say, dusting off Harry as much as he could.
Just then, they heard a great amount of clapping and turned around.
A foppish, handsome wizard with wavy blonde hair and particularly straight and shiny teeth was standing at the front wearing forget-me-not-blue robes.
Immediately all the girls and women began to clap, including Molly and Hermione, Ginny however looked disgusted by him and didn't pay any attention to him.
"You see him, he's Gilderoy Lockhart, every female likes him because he's good looking, won 5 times the most charming smile award and because of everything he did in his books....he says he did at least, I don't think he ever even lifted a wand," she whispered to Harry and Ron looking disgusted up at Lockhart.
"Well at least you have a brain Gin, that's something"Ron joked.
" I thought you said Hermione was the smartest, now you're saying she's got no brain because she likes Lockhart,"Ginny smirked.
Ron blushed furiously,"shut up"
Ginny smirked but didn't argue back, just turned around and looked up at Lockhart, still not taking her disgusted look away from her face.
Lockhart suddenly spotted Harry and they all dragged him to the front.
"Nice big smile Harry, you and I make the front page," he said through his smile,"ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is, when young Harry here, stepped into the shop this morning to collect my autobiography, magical me, he had no idea, he would in fact, be leaving with my entire work, free of charge."
When Harry had collected his books he gave them to Ron, whispering,"you have them."
Molly told everyone to go wait outside as it was really crowded.
Suddenly a boy stopped them.
Ginny thought he was good looking, he had bright blond hair, white skin and he was quite tall.
He sneered,"bet you loved that, didn't you pottah, famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."
"Leave him alone, he didn't want all that," Ginny snapped.
Although Harry and Ginny weren't close, he was glad she was sticking up for him.
2 other boys arrived and stood behind the blond boy, they looked like gorilla's, with their muscly arms and faces in scowls.
"Oh look boys, Pottahs got himself a girlfriend,"he sneered,"and why would you go for someone like him girl, you're too pretty, you should be with someone like me" he smirked.
Ron's face went red with rage,"that's my sister"he shouted.
Fred, George and Percys face had gone red with rage too.
Ginny was red, but with embarrassment.
The boy looked shocked"a Weasley,"he scowled"no wonder you stooped as low as Pottah, the Weasleys are an embarrassment to the wizarding world, can't believe you're still purebloods, associating with muggle and mudbloods, and your brothers are the ugliest people I have ever seen, even uglier than you short, fat mom"he laughed with the other 2 boys behind him.
"shut up Malfoy" Hermione warned.
Ginny had had enough and shouted"you scumbag, first you call me Harrys girlfriend when were not even close friends, then you call me pretty and tell me I should date a prat like you, then when you find out I'm a Weasley you look at me with a disgusted face and then you insult my family and muggles, how dare you!"and with that, she punched him across the face"go to hell Malfoy."
Draco quickly fled, followed closely by the other 2 boys.
"who were they?" Ginny asked, going back to her normal face.
Everyones face looked dumbfounded before Hermione answered, "that was Draco Malfoy, the one we warned you about, the other 2 act like his henchmen, they're called crabbe and goyle, but anyways, Ginny, that punch was amazing, I know we're going to be good friends."Hermione smiled.
Ginny returned it while the boys still looked like Ginny had done a miracle and quickly began to praise what she had done.
"Ginny I never want to get into your bad side..."
"You really showed Malfoy..."
"Where did you learn to punch like that?..."
Molly and Arthur quickly arrived at the scene and took them out of the shop screaming at Ginny.
"How dare you hurt that poor boy!"Molly shouted.
Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Harry and Hermione came to Ginny's rescue immediately.
" He's a Malfoy..."
"He was being rude to muggle, and muggleborns and our family.."
Finally after hearing all that, Molly and Arthur agreed she had done the right thing.
Ginny was dragged to Madame Malkins by Molly, while Ron and Harry went to Quality Quidditch Supplies, Percy went to Apothecary -potion ingredients, Fred and George went to Gambol and Japes and Arthur and Hermione went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to get ice-cream and talk about muggles to pass the time.
"Hogwarts dear, come in" beckoned madam Malkin.
After what Ginny felt had been a long time, they finally left and went to Ollivanders.
"Ahhhh, the youngest Weasley, I remember every Weasley that came into my shop, I wondered when I'd be meeting you."he spoke.
He took measurements and then started handing out wands for Ginny to try, after she had tried a lot of wands,"yes maybe this... yew, 14 inches, dragon heartstring."
It was the one.
After she was finally done, they went to meet everyone and went back to the burrow.

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