14.) Dead flowers

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happiness is a butterfly

Ariadne grabbed her father by the neck of his shirt and started to pull him towards the stairs.

Why is he so heavy.

She moved down the steps slowly to get him closer, stepping over his body and pushing his feet.

He fell down the stairs and face planted on the floor. It took her a few minutes before She could stop laughing.

God, I've wanted to do that Since I was five.

Knock knock knock

"One minute!" Ari yelled down the stairs to the person at the door.

She ran down the stairs and jumped over her father before She pulled open the door.

"Hello," Esme said, pulling someone with hair clips and fair skin behind her as she walked in.

"Hi," the girl said. Ariadne pinched her face together, confused about the girl.

"Oh, mom said that if I was going out, I had to bring my sister," she said, closing one of the double doors.

"Your sister- Oh right, I forgot you had a sister" Esme first told Ariadne about her sister when they met.

This was Ariadnes first time actually meeting her, considering she attended Beauxbatons.

"I'm Maddy" her sister extended her hand to meet Ariadnes

"I'm Ariadne."

Esme walked past us to walk to the kitchen.

"So, where is the food."

"Es'! I just used an unforgivable spell on my father, and you are worried about food?"

"Oh right, I forgot about that...where is he"

Ariadne sighed and pointed towards the archway that separated the stairs from the rest of the house.

She walked to the dead body and stopped right in front of Him.

"And you did this for what?" Maddy said.

"He was abusing my siblings and me...probably my mother as well" Ariadnes voice was raspy as She thought about her mother.

"How did he get down here anyway" Esme mumbled.

"I pushed him down the stairs."

"Dur à cuire," Maddy said, giggling

Ariadne agreed, nodding her head. She had learned French in her first year from her mother, who learned from her mother, who had been born through a long line of French royal blood as her father was born from a line of half-bloods.

She used to tell Ariadne story's about Tom Riddle before he went crazy. He was her uncle, her father's brother, her mother's brother-in-law, my great uncle.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Esme asked.

"I have an idea!" Maddy clapped her hands.

"That was harder than I thought," I said, pushing my shovel into the garden bed.

They had buried Icarus, where pretty flowers once laid in her backyard.


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