11.) Secrets

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Dinner was ready soon after everyone walked in the door. Ariadne sat in the dining room next to a set of brothers She had never seen, while Apollo and nemesis were between Esme and her mother, amethyst

She had the memory book on her lap under the table, waiting for the right moment to get Sirius's attention.

"What's that in your lap?" One of the brothers asked

"I'm sorry, who are you," Ariadne said, a little annoyed

"I'm Aaron now. Are you going to tell me what that book is, or do I have to find out of myself," he said in a low voice, trying to scare me.

"It was my mother's; you don't scare me, by the way," She whispered, rolling her eyes as She moved the book to where it was under her thigh

"Who's your mother," the other brother asked, Yanking the book from under her to open it.

"Hey! Give that back!" Ariadne said as he held it high out of her reach

"Where did you find that," Sirius said wide-eyed stopped the conversation he was in the middle of.

His voice sounded demanding as he took the book from the other brother's grasp

"It was Our mother's," Ariadne said disappointingly. This wasn't the way. She wanted to talk to him.

"it was?" Apollo said, confused because the girls never told him about the book or mother's ex-lover

"Yes, it was I found it in her old study," Ari explained

"Wow, I haven't heard from her in ages. How is your mother."

No one knew about mothers death, no one except for Draco and her siblings and Esme.

"Um...I had received news last school year that she had died using the killing curse on herself, or at least that's what Icarus told us," Ariadne explained, keeping her tone neutral.

"My dear, I am sorry for your loss, but it's not possible to use the killing curse on yourself," Molly said, tilting her head

"What do you mean," Nemesis said, slowly realizing what that could mean

Ariadne saw her sister's mouth form an O shape as she gasped. Apollo was still clueless as to what was happening

"What nem what happened," Ari said, starting to freak out

She looked around the table then back to Ariadne

"Father did it" Nemesis laughed a little to herself.

that son of a bitch has always flown too close to the sun

She's always been too smart for her own good.



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