Chapter 4

10 2 28

|| Small Talk

Jimin's exaggerated waving is something Taehyung would rather not see now, especially since he is the reason Taehyung has to be walked by the new bartender, while Jimin gets to go on a cutesy date with his boyfriend. A kind of small celebration for making up after the argument, the usual for them two, to which Taehyung has grown accustomed to over time.

Taehyung adjusted his green puffy coat and walked through the main entrance not bothering to wait for Jungkook to catch up to him. He passed a confused looking Hoseok without saying anything more than a quick bye, and soon after Taehyung, Jungkook came through the double glass doors, giving the bodyguard a quick bow.

With large steps Jungkook managed to reach and match Taehyung's pace.

It was still dark outside, street lamps were the main source of light as the two of them walked. Taehyung took big steps to keep ahead, while Jungkook just a step behind, did his best to keep up.

The breeze swirled around them, grabbing onto the hair and coats, increasing the chilly feel of autumn on the skin. Taehyung hid his cheeks into the collar of his coat, and his hands buried themselves deeper into the pockets to seek warmth.

It was late into the night, most red light district shops were closed, yet it was still busy with lone people passing by mindlessly avoiding eye contact.

Taehyung walked ahead, knowing his way perfectly fine after all these years of working here. His head was lowered down, looking at the sidewalk concrete. He noticed Jungkook coming closer to walk beside him, and took note of the worn out, simple black trainers occupied by the man. They must have been few years old judging by the look of them.

"So... um... do you live near the convenience store?" A wavering voice of Jungkook was heard, with a mix of low hum of cars in the far distance.

The wind blew from behind, messing up Jungkook's ravenette black hair, which he quickly fixed by pushing the hair away from his face. Taehyung tried not to stare at the man's face and looked down again to keep focus on his fast step walk.

"Why do you care?" He replied, more annoyed that Jungkook wanted to talk with him. If walking together wasn't enough for Taehyung to suffer, the man had the audacity to strike a conversation.

"I just wanted to know since we're walking home together," Jungkook answered.

Taehyung stayed silent for a while. After a moment he decided to answer the simple question, unwillingly but he still did so.

"Ashton apartments"

He saw Jungkook's face lighten up. Was it due to the answer or the fact Taehyung replied, he wasn't sure. But still a smile made its way to Jungkook's face, eyes sparkling. "That's really close! I live just a street or two away from there. Well, not technically but you know" he hesitated at the end, and Taehyung quickly noticed the change in his tone.

"What do you mean?" He asked, growing quite curious even while he wanted nothing to do with the man.

"It's just that I technically don't live there, well... I do but I don't at the same time" Jungkook moved his hands awkwardly, eyes darted around, finding the correct words in his mind to explain himself. By the look on Taehyung's face it was clear to see he didn't understand Jungkook's vague description.

"What I meant to say," Jungkook continued "I'm staying over at my friends house for the time being. Kinda like renting out a room, but cheaper since he's a friend of mine" he scratched the back of his neck, an awkward habit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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