Chapter 2

12 2 5

|| Headaches

Lying awake on the bed, staring at the white discoloured ceiling above him Taehyung was experiencing a dreadful headache.

He reluctantly got up and massaged his forehead to ease the pain, he glanced at the packet of tablets on his nightstand. The painkillers will have to do their magic once again... He swallowed one, two and gulped it down with a glass of water and sighed heavily.

He went towards the fridge and took out a lemon and began cutting it in slices on a cutting board. Once he was done, he dropped them into his water bottle, letting the water become flavoured with the sour taste of lemon juice.

It was a beginning of a new day for Taehyung.

Another day trying to ignore the growing pain. Its not like this everyday. Some days are better. Some days he is able to get full nights sleep in a row and feel light as a feather for the next couple of days. But some days are like these, the days were he spends tangled in bed sheets, walking like he is barely alive and emotions so unpredictable and sour, that he himself feels like a shipwreck; abandoned and hopeless.

After few hours once he got sorted and was ready to go to the club he left his apartment and was locking the heavy broken down doors with his house keys.

Even though Taehyung hasn't lived here that long, the doors were not in such a great condition. The issue is, they wouldn't close properly too old and rusty, so the only option he has is to slam them to the lock. By now Taehyung got used to it, and normally two sharp pulls are enough to get the doors in its right place.

He dropped the keys to his bag, and as he was turning around the neighbour opposite to his apartment walked out wearing pink slippers and a shower cap, as usual he was taking out his trash at this time.

They made eye contact and Taehyung stopped whatever he was doing unsure of what to do next in this awkward situation.

The neighbour before him, a man quite unique in what Taehyung gathered after seeing him few times. Always wearing something pink on him, either it be his pink fluffy slippers, or that dangling pink ball keychain. This neighbour of his is a man with broad shoulders and big plum lips just like Jimin's, but one noticeable difference between the two was definitely the height, Jimin is petite almost boyish looking, whereas the neighbour has this tall built which matches well with his wide back.

At first Taehyung assumed the neighbour is an introvert judging by his serious expression when they first saw each other, but soon enough the man broke into a huge warm smile and started chatting away, much to Taehyung's dismay.

Today seems to be another one of those unlucky days for him.

"Hey" the neighbour happily said already smiling at Taehyung.

Taehyung answered with a "Hi" and half-heartedly smiled at the man. The neighbour was looking at him, holding his stare.

"How are ya?" He asked still staring at him.

"Umm... good I guess" honestly, Taehyung didn't know what to say. He haven't lived here that long and he was not on the talking stage with his neighbour yet. He would much prefer to have just casual greetings whenever they saw each other pass by than chitchats in the corridor. "What about you?"

"Eh, not bad myself" the neighbour grinned, his plum lips revealing a charming smile. This grin was probably caused because Taehyung asked him a question.

This small interaction was soon cut short as Taehyung cleared his throat and excused himself with a quick "bye" and walked down the stairs to avoid any further chatting with his neighbour he didn't even know the name of.

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