A New Friend

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"Today's the day, ladies."

"Battle for Lost."

"God, that sounds so dumb..."

"Shut up."

"Lets see who comes out on top."

"Or bottom. Lost seems like a top."

"Oh, she is."

"Nicci, stop rubbing it in."

"I can't help it. After tonight I'll have someone to talk about it with. Share every dirty, sexy detail and-"

"Who do you think she'll pick?"

"Whoever rubs up on her the most, i'm guessing."

"I hope she picks me."

"Good luck trying to get her. You're way too sweet."

"Fuck you. How's that for sweet?"

"She would have had sex with me last night if I let her."


"When was this?"

"Last night, dipshit. I just said that."

"Well, what happened?"

"You know that new guy Mike?"

"Ugh, yes. He kept hitting on me."

"Me too."

"Yeah, well, he followed me to my car last night."

"What a fucking creep."

"What did he do?"

"He pushed me against my car and was all over me, the drunk bastard."

"The fuck?"

"That asshole."

"Did he... Go further?"

"No, thank god. Lost came out to help me just in time. She warned him off first but he didn't listen. He was super drunk."

"Then what?"

"Mike hit Lost in the face with his elbow. Made her bleed."

"Shut up!"

"It's true."

"What did she do to him?"

"She was pissed. She smashed his face in my car window. Shattered the glass. It was intense."

"Bastard deserved it."

"Good for her."

"Did she kill him?"

"No. She told me to go get Marv. Marv yelled at him then went back inside. She told him not to anything like that again."

"That's it?"

"When Lost almost raped someone, she flipped her shit."

"Yeah, whats up with that?"

"Well, I'm assuming Mike won't live throught the next incident. Marv will probably have Lost take care of him."

"Still, I can't believe she didn't do worse to him."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Ugh. I'm staying far away from Mike."

"Yeah, definitely. Are you girls ready? The club's opening soon."

"Who wants to wake up Lost this time?"


As I do every day when I wake up, after taking a shower and brushing my teeth and giving my good mornings to the girls, I check to make sure the club is ready to open. The bouncers nod at me as I pass, and Ben gives me a smile and a friendly handshake, stopping me to chat for a second about nothing important. When he's done, I move on, fingering the stages as I stroll by, heading for the bar. Will gives me a wave and Carlos gives me a thumbs up to let me know everything is good on their end. Mike is sitting way at the end on his own, his head down and his leg jiggling nervously. I stare at the make of his head and, as if knowing what I was thinking, he turns to face me, an apologetic expression etched into his features. I give him a scowl, sniffing the air and smelling his blood. The cut on his forehead opened when his forehead scrunched. Dismissing him, I turn in my heel and head for the stairs, wanting to see if Marv is okay. I know I don't have to but seeing her will make me forget about Mike.

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