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TW's: stalking, panic.

-George POV-

I woke up this morning feel full and happy, Clay had his arms wrapped around me sso I decided to stay laying down but grab my phone. What I was met with was not at all what I was expecting, there were 6 new messages from a unknown number.


I saw you the other day George

You can't hide from me

I know exactly where you are

I came back for you babe

I want you back

I don't know why you even left in the first place

I read through them, figuring out who the hell this was almost immediately I started to panic. Luke knows my number. how did he find it? is he here? I start shaking, my mind and eyes going blurry as I silently cry. What will he do to me this time?

I cry for a long time before Clay wakes up, "hey." He says to me and I flinch at his words. 

"it's okay, George. It's me, it's Clay, you're safe okay?" He reaches his hand out and I reluctantly grab it, still crying. 

He pulls me into a big hug, "what's wrong?" He asks softly after a moment. 

I hand him my phone and open the texts, I think he immediately understands who it is because he turns back to me and hugs me tighter. "You're safe, you're okay." He said reassuringly. 

He got up and brought me to the top of the bed so my head was resting on a pillow and turned me away from his side of the bed so I was facing outside the huge window in his room, looking at the city through my blurred eyes. 

I felt him get in bed behind me and after a second I felt his cold fingers lifting up the side of my shirt a little bit and rubbing my back and stomach, "what if he hurts me again." I choked out in a sob. 

"He won't ever touch you." Clay said in a dark tone which convinced me more that I was safe.

His fingers stopped moving on my thin side and pulled me to face toward him, when I did I looked into his eyes, they looked scared and worried. I didn't want him to worry. 

He wiped the tears off of my cheeks and peppered my face with small kisses, this little action made me smile and I forgot about everything, the only thing I was focused on right now was the perfect boy in front of me. 

The rest of the day was spent on reassuring whispers and cuddles. 

When it was 11pm both me and Clay were awake, he pulled me out of bed swiftly and grabbed my hands, leading me through our dark room into the living room. He got his phone out of his back pocket and turned on music. 

Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery turned on through his phone speaker, and Clay walked over to where the big windows were, facing into the city. 

He grabbed one of my hands and intertwined fingers with it, then grabbed my hip with one hand and told me to put my hand on his shoulder. I did as I was told and he started moving around the dark room, I followed his steps and kept up a count in my head. 

We swiftly made our way across the room, bodies touching and enjoying the only sound being the music. we danced for about four songs when his music stopped, he seemed to ignore that it had glitched out and looked at me like I was the only thing important enough for his eyes. 

"I love you." He said quietly, his breath hitting my face. 

"I love you too." I said, hugging his torso and putting the side of my head on his chest. 

He seemed to let out a breath he was holding in, like he was scared I would reject him or something. 

"Thank you." I told him, looking up in his eyes. 

"For what?"

"I don't know, everything." I said, genuinely meaning it. 

He smiled at this and leaned down to kiss me, I kissed back as I continued to hold onto him by the waist. 

I felt safe, there's all these things that I've been feeling now that I never felt when I was with Luke or anyone but Clay, and that made me happy.


725 words. 

I have a bunch of plastic babies that I taped to my wall, 


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