chapter thirteen

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"So, at my place then again?".

The four boys were walking through the hallways, chatting about their upcoming plans for the night. They wanted to do a movies night at Dream's again, just like the first time. Everyone agreed to it and they'd meet up this evening.

"What about Sapnap?", George asked.

"I don't know. We can ask him but he usually goes out on the weekends", the blond shrugged and looked down on his boyfriend. They were softly smiling at each other as their eyes met. Dream's arm was casually resting on the shorter boy's shoulder, pulling him slightly closer as he smiled at him. 

"I'm glad you guys worked things out", Quackity poked George's side with his elbow and smirked at him.

"Yeah, me too", Dream mumbled and smiled. 

They went separate ways as soon as the bell rang. It was time for maths, Karl's favorite subject and teacher. Well, at least he'd see Sapnap and maybe he could ask him if he'd want to come to Dream's place this evening. 

Karl's fingertips started tickling when he saw Sapnap already sitting in the end of the classroom. He looked up and their eyes met and a few seconds afterwards, Sapnpap's lips formed into a smirk. 

"Hello, little one", the smaller boy said as soon as Karl sat down on his chair. 

"Can you stop calling me that?", the brunet blushed slightly and turned his head forward to hide his pink cheeks. 

However, Sapnap still noticed it but he didn't say anything. He smirked to himself knowingly and leaned back into his chair. 

"There is actually something I want to ask you", Karl turned around again, looking at the boy in front of him. 

"Yeah?", Sapnap leaned back forward and rested his arms on the table. 

"We're doing a movies night at Dream's house this evening. Maybe you wanna join us?", his blue eyes had a puppy look in them and Sapnap couldn't say no to that but it was also Friday night and he didn't want to spend that night with watching movies. He enjoyed going outside and doing something, like really something. That 'really something' was partying in Sapnap's mind. 

"I'll think about it, okay?", he answered and smiled softly. 

Karl nodded and smiled back, yet he still looked somehow disappointed. The smaller boy bit his lip and leaned back in his chair again, sighing afterwards. 

"I smell a fight", a blond boy sat down next to Karl. 

"What?", Karl looked up with a frown on his forehead. 

"Oh. Hey Tommy", he gave him a small smile and rested his head on his hand. 

"Hey, Karl. Excited for maths?", Tommy wiggled with his eyebrows.

A loud laugh escaped his lips as Karl groaned annoyed and buried his head down into the table. 

"No", he mumbled. 


Quackity and Karl were sitting in the car, singing or mostly screaming Taylor Swift songs. Quackity would never stop listening to her, Karl could try and change the song but they would always end up back by listening to Taylor. 

They both jumped out of the car when they arrived at the huge house of Dream. 

"You know what we can watch?", the boy with the beanie asked while they were waiting for someone to open the door. 

Dream opened it a few seconds afterwards. 

"Hey guys", he said and let them in. 

Karl greeted him back and Quackity just stepped inside the house and continued with talking. 

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