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"I can't wait to finally see you again", Karl said as he played with his tie, spinning around in his chair.

Sapnap chuckled. "It's not like I'm away. You know you could've come over any time, right?".

"What? I asked you a thousand times If I could come over and you always said that you're busy or that you're studying!".

The younger boy was silent for a while.

"And I also said that I could tutor you but you never wanted me to help. Why are you trying to improve anyway, your grades are okay and the college you applied for already accepted you", Karl said.

"My grades are not good enough for the college we're going to attend".

The brunet frowned.

"What are you talking about, Sap?", he asked and looked at his phone for a second when the other boy did not reply.

"Are you still there?".

"Mhm but I need to go now. See you later, little one", Sapnap rushed, pure amusement in his voice and Karl could literally hear the smirk on his lips through the phone.


"I can't believe it. We're never going back to this place", George mumbled as they walked out of the building, still in their capes and with their graduation hat on.

"And thank god we're not going back to hell", Dream swung his arm around the waist of the brunet, pulled him close to give him a kiss. "I hated it here", he said as they separated.

"I know. But now it's time for college", George smiled at him and laughed as he saw the defeated look on the face of his boyfriend.

"And for me it's time for Mexico!", Quackity joined them and placed his arms on Dream's and George's shoulder.

"You're really leaving us? This soon?", the brunet sounded a little bit sad but that quickly faded away as soon as he heard the next sentences coming from the mouth of the smaller boy.

"Oh Georgie are you going to be sad and lonely without me? Will my little discord kitten miss me?".

The brunet pushed the arm off of his shoulder at the same time as he heard his boyfriend saying "hey!", a little bit too offensive.

In the back, Karl watched his friends chatting and joking around with a big heart in his chest. He was waiting for Sapnap to finally come outside and to finally talk to him again after weeks. He was surprised as he saw his mother standing with another woman on the pavement, talking with her and laughing with her.

"Seems like they're good friends".

Karl gyrated his head to the side and a big smile formed on his lips as he met the green eyes of his lover. He looked at him for a while, slightly amazed to see the smooth skin without any sign of a beard.

"You shaved?", he asked.

Sapnap frowned. "Really? You don't see me for weeks and that's the first question you ask?", he huffed and laughed afterwards.

"Sorry. How are you?", the taller boy asked instead.



They looked at each other, Karl confused while Sapnap looked delighted.

"What am I supposed to ask? I don't know what you want from me", the brunet sounded desperate and it was making the other boy chuckle.

"Just kiss me already, you idiot".

He pulled him close and kissed him deeply, his hands on Karl's cheeks pulling him as close as possible. They separated for the kindness of their lungs.

"I don't know if I'm gonna be able to spent another few weeks without you", the older said as he run a finger over the smooth skin of his opponent.

"Maybe you don't have to", Sapnap whispered.


"What would you say if I say that we're going to live in London".

Karl's hands slipped down and he took a little step back to get a better look at Sapnap.

"I'd say that you're crazy".

"Maybe. But love is supposed to make you crazy, or am I wrong?", the younger boy took a step forward again and placed his hands on the waist of Karl.

"You're joking".

"I'm not".

"You are".

Sapnap sighed with a small smile on his lips. "After you told me that you want to travel to London one time, I actually started to search for a job. Karl, the only thing that makes me happy is seeing you happy and I want your dreams to come true and I want to see you accomplishing them. It'd be an honor to watch you graduate at Oxford, in your hometown and with me".

The brunet stopped breathing the second he heard Oxford. His dream uni. And he's going to attend to it because of the boy in front of him. Because his boyfriend had worked so hard for his dreams, because he wanted to see him happy.

"Y-you're joking", he said.

"I actually have a photo of the plane tickets on my phone but at first I wanna go over to our friends. Join me?", Sapnap outstretched his hand towards the still shocked Karl.

"I don't believe you", the brunet said once again.

Sapnap sighed another time and tilted forward, took ahold of the hand of his boyfriend and pulled him towards Quackity, Dream and George.

The two women on the pavement watched their sons with warm hearts.

"It's lovely to see them this happy", Sapnap's mother said. "I wish my love life would've been like this. But currently my husband is in prison and I cannot do anything about it".

"Do you even want to do anything about it? Doesn't he deserve to be in there?", Karl's mother asked.

The old woman sighed before she slightly nodded.

"He actually does. Maybe that's the reason why it hurts so much. I married a man and never left him, even though he abused my child", she covered her mouth with her hand, caught a few tears slipping out of her eyes as she looked down.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything", Janet moved a little bit closer to Sapnap's mother, laid an arm over her shoulder and let her cry on it.


It took Sapnap a while to get used to the cold weather of England but his heart warmed whenever he saw Karl running outside as soon as he saw a slight glimpse of snow.

"Are you ready for your first day?", Karl asked as he put a scarf around his neck. "Put one on too, it's going to be cold".

The younger boy pulled a scarf off of the shelf.

"Gotta be honest, I'm a little bit nervous", he answered.

Karl took the orange scarf away from him and swiveled it around Sapnap's neck. He pulled him down by the endings, causing their lips to slightly brush.

"No need to be nervous. I'm going to be by your side the whole time", he mumbled, his breath hitting against pink lips.

"I still can't believe you made this happen".

"And I still can't believe that you're mine, Karl Jacobs".

The brunet smiled, enjoying the warmth coming from his heart and blooming in his chest.

"I love you", he said.

"I love you too, my little one".

The taller boy pulled him closer by the scarf, let their lips meet for another time and let their hearts beat once again so loud that they wouldn't hear another thing.

[The end]

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