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Jennie sat on her seat in the classroom, a girl standing by the front. 

The girl was rather happy, because when Jennie met her a few days ago she seemed stressed maybe because Jennie knew she wasn't Roseanne Park. 

"So, Miss. Park... You can take the seat in front of Jennie Kim." The teacher pointed at Jennie who smiled and waved shyly. Roseanne nodded and walked to the seat. She could feel Jennie's stare buring. 

She wanted to turn around and tell her to not stare, but of course she was too shy. Jennie smiled, "Yep, it's her." Jimin whispered, Jennie hummed at him.

The break had come and every student were running out of the school since spring had arrived. Jennie smiled as she let the sun caress her. "Let's go for a coffe, yeah! At Lisa's." Yerim said, Yerim was currently attached to Sooyoung again, "Sure, let me just get my phone." Jisoo said as she walked into the school again. 

"So, you two happy together?" Jimin asked as he looked at the couple. Sooyoung nodded, "Yes, Sooyoungie makes me happy." Yerim said as she hugged her girlfriend's arm. Jennie smiled, "If you even try to hurt Yerim you will regret it." Jimin warned her, "Yah, I won't!" Sooyoung said, as they all laughed. 

"Let's go, I called Lisa and she's waiting for us." Jisoo said, the group nodded. They all had welcomed Sooyoung into the group and they all got along. 


"Can't believe, you even dare to show up after school? Did you take plastic surgery to look prettier, well it didn't work. You're just another Gangnam Beauty." Joohyun laughed as she threw an apple on the pink haired. "Awe, did it hurt?" Seungwan smirked, Seulgi took a paper cup of water and threw it on Roseanne. "It was better when you were dead." Joohyun yelled, as they three girls walked out of the bathroom. Roseanne hugged her legs as she cried, silently. 

When she got here she thought everything would be normal but she was wrong, she was going to have to deal with a lot...


"Two coffee's for Yerim and Sooyoung, on tea for Jennie... a vanilla pie for Jisoo and a smoothie for Jimin." Lisa said as he placed down the food, "Thanks, Lisa." Jennie said. 

"No problem, Jisoo's friends are my friends so don't be scared to ask me for help." Lisa said and smiled. They all nodded and started eating and drinking their stuff as some small talks appeared here and there.


Hello, I'm back after three days! I'm happy about it and I'll update tomorrow :)

By the way, I have a new book out called "Her Brother: Jikook" so feel free to read and vote that too since it's my first boy x boy and will also include smut! 

Thanks for the votes and reads, it means a lot to me!


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