Kuzupeko (Angst)

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Fuyuhiko's POV

She....She's gone.

The only person here that was worth protecting. But...what am I doing in a hospital? There was no hospitals on the first two islands.

But I don't care about that. Peko's gone....and I can't bring her back......

"U-ummmm Fuyuhiko? I glance at the source of the noise.

"What is it?" Woah. I-I never use that tone of voice for anyone.....anymore.

"Peko t-told me to give you this if she.....ummm...GET SOME REST OK?! GOODBYE!!

I knew what she was going to say. After everyone found out what Peko meant to me, they chose they're words carefully when they were visiting.

Oh. It's a letter? Huh. Well, I better read it.

Dear, young master...er, Fuyuhiko..    If you're reading this, that means I am deceased. I just wanted you to know how I felt because if you are reading, I won't be able to...... The truth is I love you. You are the brightest light in my life and you are one of the only people who can make me happy but alas I am only a tool. I was made to serve and that all. You may not return these feelings but....at least I had the courage to tell you.


Forever and always.....

Peko Pekoyama


..........I love you


I saw droplets on water on one side of the paper coming from one side of my face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw memories.....

Of me and her......



I can feel her holding my hand, whispers of her saying sweet nothings in my ear, kissing my cheek as she's doing so.......

I- Come back please......

I need you.....

So......I may have teared up while writing this.......so as an apology for (probably) making you cry....

so as an apology for (probably) making you cry

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