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                                                                       Chapter 2 The new world 

"500 meters from the breach sir we are almost there." Kaori said."

"Hmmm." Pentecost said."

"what is it sir?" Yancy said."

"Well it just that should there be any kaijus prot-ahhhh." Pentecost said before the first kaiju know as Trespasseser bump into Coyote Tango."

"Stacker Tamsin are you okay?!" Bruce said."

"We will be if he get off us." Tamsin said they then kick off Trespasseser then the other kaijus arrive Hardship Axehead Knifehead charge at the other jaegers then Coyote Tango got back up."

"All jaegers get ready." Pentecost said then Gipsy Danger started to shoot but Knifehead dodge it grab Gipsy Danger and threw her at Horizon Brave."

"Argg I hate kaijus." Lo Hin Shen said."

"Me too." Xichi Po agree."

"All jaegers fight." Pentecost order Tactic Roden got out his blades and start to slices on Axehead then the kaiju swing its arm at Tactic Roden back with Coyote Tango he started to fire at Trespasseser he was able to hit Tresspasseser arm then Horizon Brave jump on Tresspasseser and starts beating down on his head but Tresspasseser knock him off with Romeo Blue he double piston punch Hardship then he grab Romeo Blue by the face and throw him with Gipsy Danger she started shooting at Knifehead four times hitting its chest killing it."

"Too easy." Raleigh said back with Tactic Ronan Axehead charged at him and start ripping the legs and the head."

"Stacker Tactic Ronan is down." Xichi Po said then Tresspasseser came to attack but Coyote Tango grab him by the head and snap the kaiju neck Horizon Brave waves at them thanking them but Axehead sneak attack him and tore out the core."

"Horizon Brave is down." Tamsin said then Axehead came after Coyote Tango but he shoot him in the face killing him after seeing the other kaijus get kill Hradship retreated."

"Now time to destroy the breach." Pentecost said so the remaining jaegers went to the breach Romeo Blue grab the nukeclear bomb but Hardship bump Romeo Blue with the bomb to the breach."

"Bruce, Trevin get out of there!" Pentecost said."

"We can't!" Bruce said."

"Go you do not deserve to die now live your life." Trevin said." Now go."

"Okay grab Horizon and Tactic Ronan head." Pentecost order Romeo Blue activate the nuke and let go as it exploded a shockwave sent the remaining jaegers out the water and landed on the beach."

"Is the breach gone?" Mako ask on the com's."

"misson...fail............pick us up." Pentecost said."


"In the mayor office he's sitting in his chair like it's a calm day but his office start shaking he went outside only to be greeted by the dragon queen."

"Your majesty what brings you here?" The mayor ask as he bow."

"I was told an evil force will be here." The dragon queen said."

"Do you want me to get the soilders and the elite guard?" The Mayor ask."

"Yes for we don't no how powerful this evil will be." She said but a orange light in the ocean glows then a wave hit the city then a giant monster came out the wave it was Hardship."

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