Chapter 8

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Aria's POV*

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"Wake up, sleepy head. Its time to get ready."

I moved around in the bed, trying to open my eyes. It was definitely a struggle.

Finally I peeled my lids open, and came face to face with Laura. Her smile was freakishly large and it was creeping me out.

I scooted back a little bit, and sat up.

"So, are you ready to go eat? I'm like starving right now." She said.

I looked at her in confusion for a second, but then remembered that we had dinner plans. I had completely forgotten.

"Yeah, just let me do my hygiene first and I'll be right out." I said.

She squinted her eyes at me, and just stared.

"What?" I ask.

"Now look here missy, I will not be waiting for hours just to go out to eat. So I will only say this once- and once only... do not take your sweet old time!" She chastised me.

I looked down feeling guilty about the last time, and the time before that, and that one.

I'm a slow person. I like to take my time and make sure that I'm looking right when I go out. Sue me for wanting to be on top of my appearance.

Memories of Laura almost attacking me came to mind. I supposedly was going "slower than (her) grandmother" and she got mad. She can definitely go from zero to one hundred real quick, and her patience is extremely low.

I'm beginning to wonder if she has anger issues, because sometimes her behavior is not normal.

Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of my face.

"Hello?! Did you hear what I said? Let's get moving, andiamo!" (Let's go)

Again I looked at her in confusion. "What the hell? Is that Italian that you just spoke?" I ask in shock.

I recognized the word from the Italian class that I took in my freshman year of high school. It only lasted for about a week, but I still remembered little words.

She nodded her head and said, "Yeah, if you haven't noticed... I am Italian, Ria!"

"I know, but I never knew that you spoke it. You've never spoken in Italian around me or to me." I say.

I felt so dumb. Of course she spoke it, you idiot!

She chuckled. "Well, you don't exactly understand it so why should I speak it?"

I was at a lost for words. Shaking my head I rise from the bed and head toward the bathroom to start getting ready.

Just before I close the door I hear, "I'm serious Ria! You better be out of there in the next twenty-five minutes or I will beat you- physically too!"

"Yeah yeah yeah." I said, closing the door.


"Hello ladies, what can I get for you tonight?" Our waitress asked.

Laura and I decided- after about a good half an hour- to dine at a popular restaurant that recently opened.

It was fancy and elegant. The floors were so shiny that I had to fight the urge to take my heels off just to walk on it.

I felt out of place in here, but was glad that Laura and I dressed up to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Hmm, I'd like to have the steak with mashed potatoes. Ooh but the fish dish looks lovely as well." Laura said.

I knew that it would take her forever to order so I took it upon myself.

"She'd like the steak with mashed potatoes, and veggies on the side. For me, I'll have the chef special, please." I tell him.

Writing down our orders, he leaves our table. When I catch Laura staring at his toned butt, I snicker.

"Isn't he a little too light for your taste, Laur?" I ask, bringing up the fact that she loves darker guys.

She gives me a look and says, "I still love chocolate, but there's no harm in looking at Latino's."

I burst out laughing, and I'm sure everyone in the restaurant was staring at me, but I didn't care because this girl was a trip.

"I guess your right! Hell, I'm even guilty of it sometimes!" I say after I finish having my laughing fit.

"Yeah girl it's-", just then her phone started buzzing.

She pulled it out and looked at the screen. Glancing back up at me, she tells me that she'll be right back.

"I just have to use the bathroom." She says, and practically races to the it.

Damn, did she have the shits?

I laugh at my own joke, and take my phone out.

Scrolling through my Tumblr feed, I begin to block out all of my surroundings. I love me some Tumblr for sure!

I was looking at different lipsticks when I see a shadow appear in front of me.

Still looking at the maroon colored stick, I say, "Finally you decide to come back. I was beginning to think that you ditched me or something." I joke with her.

I was met with absolute silence. Looking up, my breath got caught in my throat. It was completely lodged in my throat and I honestly felt faint.

"You..." I whisper.

"Hello again, Caro."

I suddenly see black dots in my vision, and the next thing I know- I am consumed by it.


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