Chapter 6

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Getting out of the shower, I felt refreshed from last nights dirt and grime.

Wrapping the towel around my body, I took slow steps toward the bathroom counter.

On it, I saw a pair of faded skinny jeans that looked to be name brand. It was neatly folded along with a nice-looking shirt on the side.

While putting the clothes on, I took a moment to analyze what just happened with the beautiful stranger just mere minutes ago.

I still had no clue what his name was or anything.

Why was I not more concerned about the fact that he could be a rapest or a murderer? Lets not forget- a kidnapper as well.

Something is definitely off about this whole thing.

I had willingly let him touch me in more inappropriate ways than I can count, and without so much as a protest?

No. This wasn't at all who I am. I am much more smarter than this.

My head was reeling, and when I was done dressing I looked at myself in the mirror to see a very puzzled expression glued to my face.

But it wasn't my face. It looked like my face- same carmel skin, and pink pouty lips- but something was... wrong with it. The eyes looked almost too glossy to be my own light brown ones, and the lashes looked wickedly long.

"Who the hell are you?" I whisper ever so lightly.

It just stared back at me for a second with a blank gaze. I closed my eyes and shook my head, scolding myself for thinking that my reflection could talk to me.

That thought vanished when a slow grin broke out on it's face.

In the blink of an eye, I'd just witnessed myself move- without really moving...

It opened it's mouth and began to speak.

"Worthless fool! No one will ever love you, you good for nothing little bitch!

Do us all a favor and just kill yourself like you did to him!"

Memories of the past suddenly sprang to life and it was never ending.

I shut my eyes tight, but the voices just wouldn't stop.

It was as if the voices were consuming my very being.

I held my head with shaky hands and just screamed.

All of the hurt and pain was exploding out of me and I didn't know how to put an end to it.

"Wake up, Aria... wake up, bitch!"

My face in the mirror suddenly morphed into my mothers evil glare, and it began to laugh with a very menacing growl.


All of a sudden, there was a hard force that connected to my cheek.

I woke with a forceful jolt. My breathing was uncontrollable, and I was completely out of it.

I caught sight of someones figure next to me, and that was it. I threw my covers off of me and dashed out of my bed.

My heart was pounding at what felt like a hundred miles per minute.

I ran to my dresser and turned around to try and get a glimpse of the person.

The shadow was coming closer and I didn't have it in me to scream anymore, so I just stood there frozen.

When my vision eventually returned, I took in a worried looking Laura.

She looked like she had aged since the last time I saw her and I knew that it was probably because I was scaring her to death.

Pulling me into her arms she hugged me with much force. "It's okay, I got you. I'm here now, Aria. No need to be alarmed."

Those words instantly calmed me and I began to relax in her arms.

"I-I- Laur-" I tried to force out.

"Shhh, don't talk. I understand, just be quiet and relax" She whispered to me.

It was in that moment that I relized how special this girl was to me. Her ability to make one feel so safe and secure is something that I'm beginning to appreciate.

It felt like hours that we just laid there on my bedroom carpet in silence. The only thing heard was my occasional sniffling.

After a while I pulled away from her, and sat back up.

"Thank you for that, Laur. You'll never truly understand how special that was to me." I said.

She gave a small smile and said, "Don't mention it. I'm actually used to it."

I gave her a puzzled look and said, "how so?"

She leaned back against the dresser and crossed her legs indian style.

"My brother. He used to have night terrors and they were pretty bad. It got so bad one time to the point where I didn't even want to go to sleep.

I was so afraid that he would have one and I wouldn't be awake or near."

I looked at her in understanding and said, "I guess you were right when you said that our situations weren't so different from each others."

She gave a sad smile and said, "Yeah I know I was right."

We both started chuckling, and she said, "So what's your story, kid?"

At this, my chuckling halted, and I looked down.

I trusted her, but this was too personal to tell- right now at least.

She took the hint and touched my arm softly.

"Hey, tell me when your ready?" She said.

I nodded and got up from the hard ground.

"I was thinking about going out to eat at a restaurant tonight... you feel up for it or no?"

I nodded again and said, "sure, what time?"

"7ish, because you know ya girl gotta get pretty first!" Again, her immitations are priceless.

We both laughed and she waved a hand at me, exiting the room. She was probably going back to her house or something. It saddened me that she didnt live on campus with me, but she never really likes to tell me why.

I asked her once and she got very defensive. She said that her brother is extremely protective and doesn't allow her to go anywhere without eyes and ears around.

I laughed it off, because that is so ridiculous! She's a grown ass woman, and she doesn't need anyone following her around all day. Besides, I never see these so called "eyes and ears" anywhere.

I shrugged it off and plopped down on my bed.

It was all a dream? But it felt so real.

I could still so vividly see those beautiful green eyes staring at me.

Oh god, I swear this is obsession.

My dreams have been consumed by this random man for a while, but it has never mingled into other dreams.

I haven't had a nightmare in ages, and I have no clue why I'm just now starting to get them again.

It all made my head hurt. I was so tired of the memories that haunt me every single day. I almost wanted out.

No. There is no out, Aria.

I looked over at the clock, and saw that it was only 4 o'clock.

I had plenty of time to take a quick nap. That nightmare had me drained, and I needed some more Z's

I lay back down and get under the covers, hoping for a peaceful slumber.


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