The entrance exam

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Buzz buzz buzz buzz you tap on your phone until that stupid noise you dreaded turned off. You grunt at the suns rays as they hit your face."damn great 3 hours asleep I'm gonna be so not tired today". You get up and put your bunny slippers on (the ones your dad got you before he passed). You think to yourself why you put a alarm on in the first place. "Shit the entrance exam is today".

You stretch and make your way to the kitchen." "Mom you up"? You response."great she disappeared again" you say as you make a moaning sound. Your mom went off the rails when your dad died it's been hard and your mental state isn't so good since.Shes been hooking up with men for money and her own pleasure. You haven't seen her since  a week ago pour some cereal in a bowl and eat it dry."today's the day to avenge my father and follow in he's foot steps...I'll make you proud daddy".you finish your cereal and then head up to your room to try and make yourself  look "decent". You put on some makeup black smudged eyeliner some purple eyeshadow and some lipgloss. You then put on a purple cropped tank top and some black leggings. You put your hair in space buns. You tied up your chunky white sneakers and went downstairs. You  fed your cat and gave him some snuggles. "Hey angel" you said to your cat and then went to the fridge to grab a monster energy drink and headed out the door. You grabbed your phone to text your best friend Mina who is also going to the entrance exam. She's taking you there because no one else could. She's been your bestie since 7th grade.

Y/n : hey Mina I'm ready almost done sista?

Mina👯‍♀️💞: heyyy girly I'm coming my moms driving us you ready for today?

Y/n: I mean I guess I'm kind of nervous about it I wanna make my dad proud also YAYY I get to see momma Mina today!!!

Mina👯‍♀️💞: you will do great bestie we are on are way!!

You put your phone away and waited. From a distance you can here blasting music. "Great she's here"  you said to yourself. "GET IN LOSER" Mina says after she pulled her window down. "Jeez I'm coming" you say and you got in the back with Mina. "Hey momma Mina" you say. "Hey sweetheart" minas mom says. She's like your mom because your mom hasn't been acting like a mom figure for 2 years now. You and Mina were singing the entire time then Mina played wap. " wap wap wap that's some wet ass pussy" her mom started singing me and Mina were shocked. "Get it momma Mina!!!" I say proudly. "Uh ya get it I guess momma" Mina said still shocked. We finally arrived and her mom wished us luck. We were walking into the school and saw a green haired boy with freckles. He was gonna fall but a brown haired girl stopped him with her quirk. "Haha stopped you with my quirk sorry i didn't ask first but it looked like you needed some help" the brown haired girl said and the green haired boy looked shocked. We made it in and me and Mina sat next to each other for present mics dumb speech. He was talking about some stupid robots then a dark blue haired boy with glasses was asking a question.something about how there was another robot he never mentioned and how it was shameful that a top teered school like UA would make such a mistake. Then mic said that you get no points for it and it's just a obstacle that you should run away from. Mina then nudged my arm "hey this dude is wak" she said and we then started giggling. "Okay sounds easy enough" I whisper so only I could hear.

It was time you and Mina walked out to see the hole arena that we were gonna fight robots in. "Okay ready GO" present mic screamed we all started to run. (Okay your quirk is dizzy dust you can shoot out dust that makes someone feel dizzy and they will feel spiny) You rip out a robots wires and repeat 17 times. "Woah I'm outta breath" you say trying to catch your breath. A robot was coming after Mina and she didn't know so you ran as fast as you could and slammed it in the ground. "Thanks girly" Mina says "try and get some come on" you say. "TIMES UP!" Mic says and you got 23 robots and 94 points. "Okay good" you say to yourself as you look at the green haired boy named Izuku laying down with broken legs and arms. "Damn is he dead" you say in your mind. You and Mina were getting picked up by her mom so we were heading out. But something caught your eye "him the nerdy boy with blue hair wow he's buff" you say in your mind. "Good job girls way to fight" he says " mhm you too jets" I say to him. He pauses shocked by the nickname "jets?" He asks "seeya jets" I say and wink then headed home.

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