Part 2: I work alone

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Natasha's POV:
It had been two months since the battle in New York. I had been on a few missions but nothing big. Then Fury called.
"Agent Romanoff I need you and Rogers on a mission." He says.
"I can do this alone it won't be a problem" I say.
"No I need you and Rogers to take back a ship. Hydra men have taken it over" Says Fury.
"Fine but this is the only time" I say.
"I need you to also download some files from the ship. Don't tell Rogers I don't want him to do anything he's uncomfortable with. You can do anything you want as long as you get me those files" Says Fury.
"Yep I'm getting ready now." I say hanging up.
I wanted to work alone. I was used to working alone. The only person I like to work with is Clint. I get in my Widow suit and load my guns. At least I finally got a bigger mission. I guess it isn't too bad working with Rogers, he was kind of hot. But no, not him, not anyone. I don't love.
10 hours later*
I stood on the plane with Rogers and other Shield agents. Him and I were talking.
"So Widow" he says.
"You can call me Nat" I say.
"Okay Nat, What have you been doing for the last few months" asks Rogers.
"Well Rogers, I'm am a spy. I was spying" I say, "how about you"
"Well most of my friends are dead so nothing really" Says Rogers.
"Yeah same" I say.
"Why are most of you're friends dead?" He asks.
Shit, I was being too friendly, I don't get friendly. There was just something about him that made him easy to talk to which was hard to find in this business.
"Oh look it's time to land" I say as the. Back started to open in the plain.
"We are now to your ship and you are to prepare to jump" Says the pilot.
I jump out of the plane followed by Steve. I could here someone yell that he didn't have a parachute. That made me smile knowing that he didn't have one even though I knew that it wouldn't matter.
Steve's POV:
I was puzzled by Nat saying most of her friends were dead too. What did that mean. I was super tempted to read her file or ask Clint but I don't want to. That would break her trust. It's not like we had much of a relationship. This was are first real mission together anyway. When she looks away I look at her. Her eyes were beautiful. I mean Captain America shouldn't like the Black Widow. The deadly assassin and WWII soldier, I don't think so. But there is something about her that makes my heart skip a beat. We jump out of the plane and land on the ship. Right away we start fighting with the crew members. I throw my shield knocking down three crewmen before punching more. After I clear the deck. we walk down to the stairwell.
"Do you ever get out Rogers" asks Nat.
"No not really, why?" I say.
"You should find a date or something so you're not so lonely" Says Nat half jokingly half serious.
"Finish the mission then find me a date" I say.
"I'm multitasking" she says jumping over the railing.
I shake my head and chuckle to myself. I throw my shield at a few more members as I make my way to where the hostages were being held. I make my way into a little control computer room to find Nat in it bent over computer with a flash drive.
"What are you doing!?" I ask angrily.
"Backing up the information on these computers. You know it's a good habit to get into." Says Nat.
"Why are you doing this you could've compromise our whole mission" I say.
"Your mission, this was mine" Says Nat.
I grab Natasha's arm but let go to see a grenade on the floor next to us. She sees it at the same time as me and we run onto a table as Natasha shoots the glass before we break through into the room for cover. The grenade explodes right as we duck in the room.
"Okay that was kind of my fault" Says Nat.
"You think" I add.
I get up and walk out of the room with Nat behind me. She shoots a few guys as we walk out to get picked up by the plane. The crewmen were already picked up.
"Let's go" I say annoyed waiting to be picked up.
I turn to see Natasha strap something to the deck.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Fury doesn't want the ship anymore" she says.
"What?" I ask confused.
Right then we get into the plane. We fly away right as it explodes. Natasha watches it burst into flames as we fly away. He face was stone cold, no exasperation nothing. Then I thought I saw pain flash through her eyes, past pain.
"You okay" I ask.
She quickly snaps out of her memory.
"Yeah fine" she says.
"Sure" I ask.
"I don't need you to hold my hand as you know I can take care of myself" Says Nat.
I nod and walk away.
Natasha's POV:
As I look at the ship on fire it reminds me of the hospital fire.
I walk into the hospital with my black duffel bag. The KGB wanted me to assassin this guy. I knew the face not the name. I walk to the restricted area of the hospital taking out various security guards on the way, shooting and killing anyone trying to stop me from getting to the room. I get to the room shooting the guards and nurse in the room. I don't blink when shooting the innocent people. I shoot my target and unzip my duffle bag getting out a bomb and gasoline. I set the bomb down and pour the gasoline in a line until I was outside of the hospital. I set the duffle bag down and light it on fire. I walk away as the whole hospital engulfs in flames before it blows up killing everyone left inside.
"You okay?" Asks Steve.
"Uh, yeah" I say.
"You sure" asks Steve.
"I don't need you to hold my hand as you know I can take care of myself" I say.
Steve nods and walks away.
"Keep him at an arm's length" I say to myself.
I sit down as we fly back to the city. I had been staying in an apartment. Fury got it for me. We landed after a few hours at around 7am. When we get out of the plane Steve goes off towards Fury's office.
Steve's POV:
I go into Fury's office.
"You gave Romanoff another mission and didn't tell me" I say.
"I didn't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with" Says Fury.
"What do you mean" I ask.
"I didn't want you to go against your morals. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything" Says Fury.
"What does that mean" I ask not really understanding this whole conversation.
"It means what I said." Says Fury.
"You know What speaking of Romanoff, What is with her, why is she so comfortable with anything" I say.
"That is confidential" Says Fury.
I take a deep breath out and leave.
Natasha's POV:
*9 hours later
I turn to my phone ringing as I pack a bag. I had stayed around here for too long it was time for me to move on.
"What hill" I ask.
"We need you here now" she says.
"Why" I ask.
"I can't say over the phone." She says and hangs up.
Delaying my leave. I drive to the building and park. I walk to her office. Steve was in there. I roll my eyes seeing him even though I wasn't mad about it.
"We've got a big problem" she says.
Steve looks tiredly at her, I don't think he was used to this much running around. I on the other hand was used to running around, being on the run.
"What" I say.
"It's Fury, he's dead" Says Marina.

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