Day 6

322 27 66

So many young Karens in my class istg

They always be stickin their nose into someone else's business, seeing and saying everything that's wrong w ppl-

Guess why I hate going to school bruh?

Guess why I have low self esteem?

The same gurls are like "nO tAehYung iS miNe, I'm pRetTiEr. YOu'rE nOt. ChOoSe sOmeOnE eLsE"


Best army🏆🏆🏆🏆


This one girl doesn't know wtf is called friendship LIKE SRSLY FCKIN TOXIC

She would go hang out w the same ppl for a week and disappear from their lifes and TALK SHIT about them, if she finds 'better' people.

So apparently I'm the one that the popular girls are gossiping about and I know that trust me istg.

This is why I don't talk shit bout ppl bruh

"ItS tO mAke yOu A bEtTer pErsOn"

I mean-

U rite but can you not do it with giving someone emotional trauma-

yOu nEvEr kNow uNLLeSs yOu wAlK iN mY shOeS

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