mechta [ special chapter two ]

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"You two are getting awfully close," Kuroo pointed out, as he, Kenma, Lev and Minari were eating on the same table at lunch.

It wouldn't have happened, the third and second year sitting with their new first year vbc member, if it wasn't for Minari. Lev clung to her like a child, and she wouldn't even say that she hated it.

"We are close!" Lev exclaimed, right after shoving a spoonful of rice in his mouth.

Smirking, Kuroo rolled his eyes before folding his arms across his chest. He then leaned forwards, where Lev and Minari were sat.

"Or are you, really? Minari, what do you say? Is this kid annoying you? Should I kick him out of the table for you?" The dark haired captain asked, obviously teasing the half-Russian male.

Lev pouted and looked at Minari after hearing what the third year said. Although he was confident that he and Minari had something special— they were really close— he still wanted to hear what the girl had to say. What if he was actually the only one who thought that they were close?

"Come on, don't bully Lev. He's a sweet kid," Minari replied, earning her a grin from the taller first year beside her.

Ever since she decided to just become a manager for the boys' volleyball club instead of joining the girls' volleyball club although she was a good player during her junior high school days, she found herself getting closer to Haiba Lev. Not just him, but the whole team. She was like the little sister of theirs, but at the same time their mum who was there to make sure that they were all in their best shape.

"A-A sweet kid?" Kuroo asked, clutching his stomach as he laughed. All Kenma could do was roll his eyes and sigh, continuing his food while still not wanting to engage in the conversation.

"Yeah. He gives me yoghurt milk every practice, you know. And he's really kind. He helps me carry things when it's too heavy. When I'm tired, he would offer a shoulder so I could lean on it. What part of that isn't sweet?" The girl asked, a pout gracing her lips as she watched Kuroo wipe his tears from laughing.

"He acts like a boyfriend when he's not. You know, Lev, you have to get through me first before you could even think about asking Minari out,"

"I-I know! I'm trying!"

"W-What...? Lev...!"


The sky was finally dark when the team finished cleaning up the gym. The coach had a pretty long speech, so it took them a few more minutes than usual to end. Everyone went out of the gyms already, now changed into their school uniforms and ready to go home.

As usual, Kenma, Kuroo and Minari were going to go home together. At least, as planned.

"Mi! Minari!" A voice called behind the trio, making them all turn around at the source.

It was, of course, Haiba Lev. He seemed out of breath, probably just finished taking a few more minutes of extra receiving practice with Yaku.

"Is there something wrong, Lev?" The girl asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

The trio halted their steps, confused as to why Lev was trying to catch up to them. Well, not really. Kenma and Kuroo knew all too well why Lev was there.

He wants to walk her home, Kenma thought to himself, sighing.

He couldn't get how Lev could be so confident about doing stuff like wanting to walk the girl home even when she didn't ask to, when they just met that year. But then again, there was more to it than two first years just coming across each other out of nowhere.

"I wanted to walk home with you, if that's alright," the grey haired male asked, earning himself a smile from the girl before she looked at her two other friends.

"He can, but he has to sit away from you. You're sitting between Kenma and I. Lev will sit beside me." Kuroo replied for Minari, making Lev facepalm internally.

He wanted to sit next to the girl. But then again, as Kuroo said before, he has to go through him (and Kenma) before he could think about asking Minari out.



online •

i hate this, i wanted to
sit next to you ;(

why are they so mean

they're just really
protective haha

i know ;( it's not like
i'm trying to do anything
bad to you :(

it's alright

kuroo can be really
protective even with
the slightest of things

they're acting like you're
trying to ask me to be
your girlfriend tho 🤡


i was literally going to ask
you to be my girlfriend on
a date and then you just
said you already were!!!




"Oi, Lev, why are you snickering?" Kuroo asked, making the mentioned male stop and shake his head rapidly.

"Nothing, Kuroo-san!"

"You look suspicious."

"I-It's really nothing!"


online •

i hate u :(

nooooo don't :(



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