Help from some kind people

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During my struggle to survive, I also received help from some good people, which I will introduce.

First of all, when I was fleeing China, I was given directions and advice by a girl from Sichuan in France, called Mount, who was a member of a group called Sichuan Independence, along with joanna and lu. She helped me contact the Falun Gong organization in Sichuan, and then they suggested that I should go it alone.

Afterward, a Burmese friend of lu's helped me pay for the cost of smuggling myself into Burma, and joanna, a Sichuan student in Germany, offered me some financial assistance. He is also the person who has been with me the longest on the internet. In addition, Derpaphine, an American in California, provided me with a month's worth of food assistance.

And Harriet, an American Catholic, provided me with some modest financial assistance. And Tyche, a Singaporean netizen in Australia, provided me with some phone numbers so that I could avoid Chinese scrutiny. Most of them were not interviewed by Apple Daily due to security concerns. When I arrived in Thailand, a friend named Dasani offered me 5,000 baht in financial assistance.

When I ran away, money was the most important thing, and the so-called advice, routes, and false support on the Internet were useless.

I understand this clearly. And to pay for the smuggling, food, and accommodation, this help was far from enough and I struggled with the death line.

I have walked this road alone, with the help of many people, but only money is the most important. I could have gotten here without anyone, but without the money donated by others, I couldn't have gone anywhere, I couldn't use my Chinese bank card, and my family didn't support me.

Here is the number of my major Donors.

bob fu$1500



peter dahlin$600(Swedish activist arrested by China)


Cheng​Tsz Yu$ 300

Margaret McCuaig$200(Senior fellow at the University of Ottawa, formerly under covert surveillance by the Chinese government.)

A Hong Kong resident in Canada, whose account was blocked by Facebook and I forget her Internet name, donated about $200.

From the shelter

sleeping in the prayer room of the Catholic Church of Mongla for a few days (without permission)

two weeks at Lisu church

people empowerment foundation for a few months

lu for one month

Half a month for an Italian working in un(Andrea)

A week booked for me by a New Zealander on Airbnb(Nathan)

After a month of renting an apartment and a Mormon church person helped me move in with her ID card.

One week, I was helped by a person working in the Thai parliament.

Interviews by journalists

Mathias PeerCorrespondent for@handelsblatt

I was contacted by Amnesty International, who then told me that they would not serve the refugees. They are only campaign agencies

By the way, the Italian who works at the UN told me that his boss is Chinese and loves China very much.

I was very curious how I would be treated if I was handled by such an organization and the Americans still let me go there.

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