Holy Shit Dunce Face!?

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Izuku walked into the store smugly.

"Yo! Uhm..just curious...how much for the pikachu board in the window?" Izuku asked a girl wearing a checkered hoody and black ripped jeans with a beany, who was standing behind the register.

"Oh, sorry boo, but that board is already taken! Sorry.." The girl said, she had short jaw length purple hair with bangs she also had purple eyes and was wearing what seemed like ear buds.

"Did I ask if it was taken? No, I asked what the price was." Izuku replied sharply.

"Oh, sorry! Anyway, you can't buy it, you have to win it at the singing competition tonight..." She said nervously.

"How do I join?" Izuku replied almost imediately.

She reached under the counter and pulled out a green sheet of paper that read 𝙱𝙴𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝚁 at the top. "You can win an Iphone 12 if you get first in the beginners, you just have to si-"

Izuku cut her off, "Don't make assumptions about me, put me up against the hardest people to beat." He said confidently.

She stared in shock for a second before pulling out a purple sheet of paper and having Izuku sign it. He left the shop and went back to Denki with a pass for the conpetition, he had 3 hours to prepare.

Denki was struggling to pull on the pants that were 4 sizes too small for him. He out of nowhere heard Izu's voice call out, "Hey hurry up and get out here I'm done waiting. "

Denki thanked him under his breathe and tried to pull down the pants that were now stuck on his legs. He used all his strength to try and force them off but failed again.

"What's taking so long ya dumbass!?" Izuku yelled at the blonde.

"T-the pants are k-kinda stuck, I can't p-pull them off!" Denki said nervously back.

"What the hell do you mean you can't pull the fuckers off!?" Izuku yelled back.

Denki stepped out and was struggling as the pants were still stuck to him. Izuku burst out laughing.

"H-hey!!! Don't laugh at me!" Denki yelled at him bashfully.

"T-they really did get stuck!" Izuku wheezes.

-After Izu finally quit laughing-

Izuku went and got a Hot Topic employee.

"So, uhm, this idiot kinda maybe sort of got stuck in these skinny jeans." Izuku said  to the girl with black hair, black eyes and a tight ponytail. She had a blood red crop top on with a leather jacket over it, she also wore big baggy black cargo pants with black cargo boots.

"Just curious, how the hell, do you get stuck in a situation where you purposefully put a pair of jeans that look to be... At least 4 sizes too small for you?" She asked in a melodic voice.

"I honestly have no idea." Izuku said looking away nervously and guiltily.

"Oh fuck off green bean! You knew what the hell you were doing when you gave me the damn clothes!" Denki said to Izuku.

Izuku blushed at the blondes choice of words. "D-don't call me t-that!" Izuku said bashfully.

Denki smirked at the small boy's reaction.

"Okayyyy, now that the gay is over, let's try and pull my masterpiece off your boyfriends ass shall we?" The black haired girl said.

Denki and Izuku both blushed and shot their gazes to the girl while both simultaneously saying, "This (dumbass, asshole) isn't my boyfriend!"

Izuku shot a glare to Denki, "Who the hell are you calling an asshole you dumbass!"

Denki returned the glare, "You! And who the hell do you think you are to call me dumbass, asshole!"

The black haired girl continued to stair between the two until it got on her nerves, "Please, both of you, shut the hell up! Now, are we gonna get my brand new fucking pants off his ass or not!?"

The boy's looked at the kind girl shook at how she just lashed out at them. They both nodded and then Izuku and the black haired girl tried to get the pants off of Denki but had no luck. Izuku finally decided it would be a better idea to just buy the pants and find a way to get them off later.

Izuku and Denki walked past the shop with the pikachu board again. Denki stared at the board dreamily as he passed by. While Izuku on the other hand realized he only had and hour and a half left until he went on.

Izuku grabbed Denki's hand and started to run, once they arrived back at the skate park Denki's friends were nowhere to be found. Izuku's sister and bestfriend on the other hand were skateboarding on a ramp together.

"Yo, dumbass!" Izuku said to Denki.

"I have a name y'know!" Denki yelled to the green haired boy.

"Really? I had no idea!" Izuku said sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's Denki Kaminari, what's your name?" Denki said to Izuku.

"Your seriously just now asking? My name is Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku or Izu." Izuku stated.

"Okay Izu, what did you need?" Denki said.

"Well, meet me here tomorrow at 12 pm okay?" Izuku said.

"Okay? But why?" Denki questioned.

"Cool, see you tomorrow, Denks" Izuku said walking over to his friends.

Denki walked into the apartment he shared with his friends.

"HEY BITCHES I'M HOME!!" Denki yelled into the apartment.

An angry looking blonde named Bakugou walked to where he heard Denki. He was on his phone.

"So where the h- HOLY SHIT DUNCE FACE!? What the hell are you wearing!?" Bakugou said trying to hold in his laugh.

"I was shoved into a dressing room by a green bean and told I couldn't come out until I tried on all the clothes he'd given me, piece it together." Denki said knowingly.

-1 hour later Denki fibally got into regular clothes with the help of Kirishima, Sero and luckily Bakubitch-

Denki walked into the living room and plopped onto the couch. He switched the T.V on and flipped to the channel where he would be able to see who wins the singing competition at the skate store tonight.

Little did he know that the angry little green bean would be participating.

Oml this story is turning out amazing 😅❤️❤️❤️

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