Everyone (Part 1)

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Anamaria Stonem wakes up to her alarm going off. She rolls over and turns it off, she rolls back over to the other side of the bed to try to go back to sleep, but unfortunately her sleep is interrupted.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's your first day of college! You don't want to be fucking late!" Great, just what she needs. Waking up to her uncle screaming. She lives with her aunt Anthea, her uncle Jim, and her cousin Effy. Her dad sent her here from America. Well technically she's from Bristol it's just she moved to America and... well, that's a long story for another time.

Ana doesn't want to go to college. Not that there's something wrong with the school, because there is isn't. She just hates the first day. It's a new school, with new people, and they bring new problems, she hates it.

Effy and Ana will be attending Roundview College. They are the third generation of Stonems to be going there. Ana's sister went there 8 years ago, and Effy's brother Tony just graduated 2 years ago, so you could say Roundview is "in their blood."

Since Effy takes forever in the bathroom, Ana decides to smoke her first spliff of the day. She opens the drawer to the nightstand and pulls out a small tin box. She opens it and takes out a spliff she made the night before. She gets a lighter and lights it. She leans back in the bed and enjoys herself. Smoking in the morning helps her get ready for the day. It sends her to another place, it's kind of like sleeping when you're awake.

Effy finally finishes in the bathroom so she grabs her clothes and heads into the bathroom to do what she needs to do before going back to her room.

She open the closet and throws on a red tank top, a black half denim jacket and a pair of jeans. She then just throws on a pair of black sneakers, squeeze some product in her hair to make it curly and she walks downstairs to see Effy and her father getting ready to leave.

"If you're riding with us, we're leaving now." My uncle says.

"I'm not." She answers. They leave. Well good morning to you too, she thinks to herself.

"Good morning darling." Anthea says. She puts a muffin in front of her.

"Morning. Thank you."

"Are you ready for your first day of college?"

"I guess. It's nothing really special to me."

"Do you think they'll be any cute guys there?" she asks with a smirk.

"Eh. I doubt it." Ana kiss her cheek and take the muffins off the plate. "I'll see you later. Thanks for breakfast."

"You're welcome. Have a good day!" She stuffs her phone, tin of spliffs, lighter and keys into her bag before taking her skateboard and heading out of the house.

They don't live too far from the school. Only about 15 to 20 minutes depending on traffic. She lights another spliff for the ride. There are a lot of people on the road, maybe because it's Monday.

When she gets close to the school, she sees her uncle's car rammed up a pole and he's arguing with a group of people. She notices Effy is sitting in the car. Ana gets off her skateboard and walks over and doesn't even acknowledging her uncle and his little fender bender.

On the other side, Freddie McClair watches his friend James Cook's theatrical performance with his other friend JJ by his side.

He watches the girl in the car smoke a cigarette and he's absolutely mesmerized by her. That is, until another girl rolls up on a skateboard.

She takes a minute to look around before talking to the girl in the car.

'Wow. She's beautiful.' Freddie thinks to himself.

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