Chapter 12 "Trust"

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Morning came by Adventure Bay fast. The first pup that woke up was Chase, he woke up the rest of the pups and noticed that Skye and Catherine weren't responding to anything he was saying. He walked to Skye's pup house while telling the others to check the Lookout. He realized that Skye wasn't in her pup house and was starting to worry.

"Chase, they're not in the Lookout." Zuma said running back to the pup.

"Something happened last night, look around for anything that could help." Chase ordered to the rest of the pups.

"You think Rocky got to her?" Zuma asked as he followed the pup.

"No way, we would've heard it, I'm thinking Catherine had something to do with this." Chase declared.

"What about Blizzard?" Zuma asked again.

"That's going to have to wait until we find Skye and Catherine." Chase said as he left the water pup alone.

The pups looked around the Lookout for almost an hour and didn't find a clue to what happened last night.

Chase looked around the area a bit farther from the Lookout and noticed disturbed dirt near a tree. The pup approached it and started digging, his suspicions grew larger as he noticed what was buried.

It was Catherine's bag.

The pup got it out and took a peek inside the bag.

"What are you hiding from us Cathy?" Chase said as he rummaged through the items in the bag. He stopped as he saw multiple syringes at the bottom of the bag.

That confirmed Chase's suspicions, he stopped looking and headed straight back to the pups.

Chase went inside the Lookout and put the bag on the ground in front of the pups.

"I found this buried not too far, you aren't gonna like what's in it." Chase moved the irrelevant items from the bag and showed the syringes to everyone.

The pups looked in shock, some confused on why they were even there to begin with.

"She played us? All that stuff she said was all lies! We let her get close and look what happened..." Chase lowered his ears but realized something. "The cameras...Ryder check the cameras from overnight, maybe we can see where they went!" Chase ordered quickly.

Ryder went to the main monitor and showed the camera footage from last night, showing Skye turning into a werepup and them running out of view and into the town.

"Skye's a werepup? I thought she was cured?" Rubble asked.

"You think Catherine did that to her? I mean she has the syringes, maybe she gave one to Skye when none of us were around?" Everest theorized.

"None of that matters right now. What does matter is that we find them and bring them back. Zuma and Tracker you're with me." Chase motioned for the two pups to follow him to the Paw Patroller.


Catherine awoke from her slumber to find herself tied up, she looked around and noticed Skye was near her.

"Skye!" Catherine shouted.

The now wolfified pup looked at her and rubbed her eyes.

"Catherine? Where...where are we?" Skye asked.

"I-I don't know, are you okay?" Catherine asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Skye answered.

The pups stopped talking as they heard the clacks of paws coming towards them, they looked towards the direction and saw three pups.

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