Chapter 10 "Plans"

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The sun began to slowly rise up in Adventure Bay, it was quiet, it almost seemed peaceful but nothing lasts forever. Chase tossed and turned the entire night but managed to get some amount of sleep, the same can be said with Ryder, Catherine on the other hand barely got any sleep due to watching over the trio and guarding them in case anything happened.

And something did happen.

Catherine rushed to Chase and kept shaking him, quietly yelling into his ear to wake up and wake up, he did.

The wolfified German Shepherd immediately got up and into a defensive position but was stopped by Catherine, who was making a gesture for him to be quiet.

Chase gave her a perplexed look and she responded by pointing to a sleeping Skye, who was somehow back to her normal self, at least that's what it looked like.

The German Shepherd looked in shock, he didn't know what happened, one night she's close to being wolfified and the next she's back to her old self.

Chase slowly walked up to the cockapoo and put his paw on her.

"Any idea to how this happened?" Chase asked.

"No idea, anyway she and Ryder should be waking up soon, I just want to get out of this feral infested town." Catherine said.

"Yeah me too, the Lookout is far from here but if we can make it to the bridge, we should be fine." Chase said to the Golden Retriever.

"Ok, anyway how are you feeling today? Is your back feeling better?" Catherine said as she approached the Shepherd.

"It's still causing some problems, sleeping wasn't really working out." Chase answered.

"Here, let me help you ease the pain." Catherine said as she put her paws on Chase's back and began to massage it.

The two sat in silence until Chase asked Catherine a question.

"Hey, what happened last night with you and Ryder? I started to think you two weren't gonna make it." Chase said.

"Oh about that, things kind of went out of hand when I found him, he didn't trust me at first but he didn't have a choice when there was a pack of ferals chasing us, we got surrounded and he dove through a window to get away from them, we barricaded it and thought we were safe, there was another feral in a room and he took it down with his tranquilizer, after that we made it back." Catherine explained to the Shepherd.

"It's a good thing that you two made it back safe, if anything happened to Ryder, I don't know what I'd do, him and the pups are all I've got." Chase said.

"You don't think you'll fail, do you Chase?" Catherine asked.

"That's what I'm afraid of...I'm afraid of failing them." Chase answered sincerely.

"You'll get through this Chase, I know you will." Catherine reassured the pup.

Their conversation was brought to an end when they noticed Skye waking up, Chase immediately wanted to get up and hug the pup but was stopped by Catherine.

"Chase wait! We don't know if she's still feral or not." Catherine said.

"But..." Chase listened to the pup and stayed back.

"Where...where am I?" Skye finally said.

Chase smiled and ran up to the pup, hugging her.

"Skye! You're-you're back and not feral anymore, I can't believe this!" Chase said with happiness in his voice.

Skye took a step back from Chase, she was still adjusting herself to everything and seeing a wolfified version of Chase in front of her wasn't going to make it any easier.

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