Chapter Three: The game

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     Luke was on his way to Nick 's house when a loud roar of thunder filled the air. " Can this day get any worse?" Already the day has bought Luke nothing but bad luck. When he woke up he had gum in his hair, then ran out of clean shorts and now as he is walking in the rain. "What can happen now?" he asked himself. " At least now we can't play football because Nick won't make a kid with cancer play in the rain, will he? Well, Luke got that answer as soon as he arrived at the door.

" Forget about football outside, give me your phone."

"What?" Luke was so confused as he handed Nick his phone.

"Wait a second.... ok done... now play this its Madam NFL Moble."


"Here I'll show you, now...... " Nick and Luke would've played that game forever but Luke had to go home and go to bed.

" See ya!" and " Thanks! " was the words that luke screamed as he walked out the door ready to walk home. It was still raining but just a tiny drizzle so it didn't matter much to Luke.  Luke was just really happy that he still had a really good friend.

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     That night Nick couldn't stop thinking of Luke. He missed seeing how happy he was. With his sence of humor and his fun "everyone loves being around me" personality and attitude. Because it's true, everyone loves being around Luke, and Luke usually love being around everyone else too, except  not all girls... if you looked at Luke you will think he is a complete player, but thats NOT true, not true at all, and most girls don't see that about him, they think he will date one by one and tear all their hearts out, thats not the case, and whoever can't go deep enough and realize that then they ar not worth it and Luke knows that. That is one quality Nick wish he had, self-confidence just like Luke , not letting the other kids getting the best of him, bealiving in himself. That was what Nick was thinking about when there was a click and the front door cracked open

"Mom,Dad? Is that you?"

"Nope. But you will find out who I am soon enough"

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