Chapter 5: The Mysterious Place

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Nick's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I was in this weird place- definitely not my house. The walls were bright white. Next to me there was a syringe lying on a table filled with this green liquid substance. Me? I was strapped down to this grey chair, sort of like the ones at the dentist. I was unable to move. I looked around the room... there was no sign of the mysterious man anywhere. " Where am I?" I whispered. There was footsteps coming from  outside in the hall, then the sound of many keys going into many locks- next, the strange man walked in- he stopped next to me in the chair.
"You're finally up I see."
"Where am I? Where is Luke? When can I go home?" A thousand questions were inside of my head, but I could only manage those three.
" You are in this room, Luke is non of your concern and probably never." This man was very stubborn, as you should already be able to tell.
"Help me!" said a faint voice coming from the other side of the wall.
" So Luke is in there... let me see him! Let me see him!" I was shouting by now.
The man picked up the syringe and then I was asleep...

I woke up with a pounding headache.
Is what i woke up shouting. I had a nightmare that he was trapped here and I went home. He was never seen again. The man walked in.
"CAN YOU AT LEAST TELL ME YOUR NAME!!" All the anger trapped up inside of  me was now realised.
" If you want to know so bad you could've just asked me before."
I get so angry I try to throw a punch.
'WHAT IS YOUR NAME MR.????????????"
"That is  something you will find out later, but for now-"
A lady walks in holding a tray. I can't tell whats on it. She purposely she holds it to high so I can't.
"HELP, HELP SOMEBODY ANYONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!" That is Luke's voice.
Slowly and as quietly as I can I undo the straps. I never realized that they are Velcro. I run, but something is holding me back. Not a person, but something invisible.
" I save you Luke" i say weak. I fall down to the floor with all the strength ripped out of me. "I'll save you." I say, as I fall asleep on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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