chapter twenty one: soups up

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Daniel polly p.o.v

After the mime incident and the hug I went home and got some sleep, the only thing I could think of was how I felt when cat noir hugged me, I felt wanted and truly loved the last time I felt that feeling was when I met my father last month and he gave me as much love as he could.

I started to dream about the feeling and soon I felt myself jolt awake, "ssoooo let's talk Daniel" Bollter said with a cheeky grin, "what's there to talk about" I said I was confused on why she wanted to talk, "so I know you have feelings for cat noir" she said booping my noise, "what no I just liked the hug" I said going bright red in embarrassment, "well you say one thing but you cheeks say another" she said now she was nuzzling my cheeks which were tomato red.

'knock knock' "Daniel it's time for you to get up" sis said through the door, "wait what? Why?" I asked confused I even looked at my phone today is my day off in my schedule so why do I need to wake up, "Daniel today you received an invite by chloe bourgeois hotel as a surprise judge on there greatest chef show" she said entering my room, "nah I don't like chef shows they are always boring" I said trying to worm out of it.

"No no you will be going bro this is something you need to do to get more popular in this place" she said handing me my best cloths, "well what if I don't want to be popular" I said taking my clothes of her and going into the bathroom, "first why wouldn't you and second you know I have seen you naked" she said giving me a sly smile, "well that was two years ago and my body has changed" I said before closing the door.

After an hour I was ready to go, I had everything including my dog collar that my mother disapproved but I took and put on anyway, and off we went after a good hour of driving we made it but I had to be let in through the back door for it to be a surprise guest.

They got me in added some makeup and sat me down next to the judges I was sat next to Chloe great, "and for our judge's we have of course the owner of this hotel mayor bourgeois and his daughter Chloe bourgeois, over her on the left side is the head chef of this fine establishment and of course jagged stone but wait it's time to reveal our surprise guest" the show man said to the camera coming closer to me.

"Who better than the popular and a well know author Daniel pelly he has had 3 books reach top 5 best sellers let's see if he will give some scores that are as great as his books"
He said.

Soon the food was Infront of us and we had to try it, it was called colestial soup weird name but looked beautiful, I tasted it and it was vile I held back my distaced and looked around something was off the chef was surprised and Chloe didn't even eat any of hers I knew she had done something and as a judge I can only judge.

"Well I don't think this would work well with our customers ill give it a 3 stars" the mayor said holding up his sign with 3 stars lazily stook on, "seeing as it is seams pretty unappetizing maybe I'll pass on the tasting but I'll still give it a zero" Chloe said now it's my turn to judge, "well it looks beautiful and I felt it didn't taste as horrible as some people are saying" I said trying my best to lie, "I'll give it an 8 out of ten" I said holding up the sign with 8 stars on it, this gave the chef a slight smile.

"It's like kissing the singer from the zombies negative zero" stone said I knew my judgement wasn't going to change the score that much, "I'm sorry but it's unedible I give it one out of ten" the main chef of the hotel said raising her sign, the chef who made the meal walked up to Chloe's and tasted some of it "what I don't understand I didn't put these ingredients into my soup somebody has sabotage the soup" he said and he convinced me but not the others, "I'm sorry but I'm giving you a zero to which brings your score to 2.8 out of ten only because of Daniels 8 out of ten" the producer said explaining the score.

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