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The way that is popular in their school works is that everything could be easy for you once you made it onto the top. Kai was popular since he's musically famous. Though if he interacts with someone that no one knows about, everyone would make a big deal out of it.

But there would be also the people who become 'famous' in the hardest and worst way and some of them wouldn't be able to make it and go away. Nobody cares if they don't know you, they would care too much if you're famous and they would be careless around you if you're in a rumor.

Kai found out that everyone almost made a rumor about Taehyun ever since him going ranking down and leaving his famous title of never to be beaten rank 1 but then a new rumor about Taehyun has started to go around, he's dating someone.

The first thing that went up on Kai's mind was Beomgyu.

It didn't even make him feel better when he sees a red note with a rock pinning it down. The note says, "Party at my house tonight pls come. Soobin, Yeonjun, and Taehyun would be there too -Gef :)"

Kai hesitated to come. What if Beomgyu announced that he's now dating Taehyun? Kai doesn't even wanna see it. He'll have to watch Beomgyu fall in love with somebody else that's not him again.

But he still did come to the party, he found the address from Soobin, and even though he's third-wheeling Yeonjun and Soobin. He's fine with that. Surprisingly Beomgyu's house was full of people and some of them are familiar, their classmates maybe? Kai sees his band members there too that surprised him, he soon left the two lovers to chat with his bandmates.

The music that is playing is coming from the speakers, it was too loud but they sound fine. "Yo, your friend has a good taste in music." said his other bandmate. The song that is playing is Summertime by My chemical Romance which they play sometimes.

"Where's our dear vocalist?" Kai asked, avoiding the mention of his 'friend' being 'Beomgyu'

"Out with someone probably." Kai left his group alone excusing himself that he's just going to find their vocalist, who he soon sees on the corner talking with Taehyun. Then as soon as the song changed to Eighth Wonder Kai had a moment of realization.

Taehyun is dating their vocalist.

"There you are!" Kai was startled when someone tried to cover his eyes, he turns to look and see that it was Beomgyu, who's smiling widely at him.

"Beomgyu?" he asked.

"Obviously!" Beomgyu answered, "You really should cut your bangs if you're that blind Kai."

Kai brushes his bangs on the side, "I forgot to buy bobby pins."

"Don't worry! I have some," Beomgyu held his hand, "Come with me?"

When Beomgyu opened his room, its a room that he didn't expect from him. He'd thought that the walls would be full of posters of comics or band or heroes. He thought there would be a lot of trophies and medals showed around but Beomgyu's room is a simple black and white room, he has paintings on his walls and a bear on his bed.

"You can sit down while I look for it okay?" The door closes behind them. Beomgyu didn't open the lights on, but the moon illuminating from the window was perfect and even to help Beomgyu look in his drawer.

Kai decided to sit on the white carpeted rug on the floor. He crossed his legs there and still look around, the desk is messy, there were picture frames and all on the table too. Kai tries to look better, but his bangs cover his eyes.

"Here," Beomgyu sat down beside him to the floor, handing him a hair clip. "That was mine when I still have long hair."

"Thanks," Kai brushed his bangs to the side slightly before clipping it. His vision is more clearer. "Does it look okay?" he asked Beomgyu facing him.

Beomgyu looks at him with bright eyes, "Pretty." that's all he said but it made Kai's heart beat loudly and makes him smile.

"You're even prettier now that you are smiling." Beomgyu continues.

"Thanks." Kai blushes.

The song from outside of the room could still be heard but slightly. The eighth Wonder has already finished and surprisingly he heard Who Do You Love next. Making Kai look at Beomgyu with wide eyes, "Did you..?"

"Yeah, I was there when you guys played it." Beomgyu tells him, "You looked so sad that day."

"I was... I'm sorry about what happened and what I said to you."

"No, it's fine." Beomgyu chuckles, "You were just being jealous right?"

Kai pushes his knees together and hugs them, hiding his face to his arms before nodding his head and hummed quietly.

"You know I really liked your band a lot. I use to just attend every Friday night you guys play. I was so used to being your crowd until that day you know?" Beomgyu smirks, "The day you finally noticed me."

"When?" Kai asks.

"When you helped me when I slipped. Though I didn't want you to see me that way."

"I can't remember."

"Good because back then I was still waiting for my transition."

"Wait!" Kai paused, "You were..?"

"Yeah, you idiot." Beomgyu laughs, "I took like, a month off from school to deal with it but after I came back I was still going through a lot until the day you played Eighth Wonder in your band I felt like I could face the world."

Kai couldn't stop staring at Beomgyu at this moment. All questions that have been spiraling on his mind fading away. "I didn't know out of all things, Gef would connect us."

"Weren't the notes are for me?"

"Wow," Beomgyu chuckles, "Feeling special? The eighth Wonder was like, the thing that helped me through my bad times and I just kept writing the lyrics over and over again until I could find something new to make me happy."

"Hey, Beomgyu?"


"Did you really liked Yeonjun and Soobin?"

"Are you believing in the rumors too?"

"Didn't you said them?"

"I was making my own rumors, Kai. It's my way to fit in with you guys. When everyone started making rumors about us, it's only then that people started recognizing me. I bet you never forgot about that either because being famous in our school revolves around rumors."

"Yeah, I kind of never forgot what happened between us."

"Then I'm satisfied." said Beomgyu, "You know the phrase, Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back?"

Kai suddenly thought of Taehyun telling him that, "There's a continue to that?"

"Yeah! And right now I am satisfied." Beomgyu grins.

And Kai nods his head. "I'm glad to finally know."

"What about you?" Beomgyu asks him.

"Not really," he answered. Tapping on to the bear design in his hairclip. "There's still one question left in my mind actually." he smiles, "And I'd leave that to wonder."

When Beomgyu went to reflect his position, hugging his knees and laying his head on his arm, facing him. The both of them sitting on the white rug on the floor alone in the room while everyone else outside is partying.

Kai finally understands Beomgyu without the other saying it all and It didn't matter that much. Right at this moment, he'd like to think that highlights of highschool were never a thing but instead. Beomgyu coming into his life is a whirlwind thing that happened to him.

And he'd let the world know about it.

Eighth Wonder ➤ BeomkaiWhere stories live. Discover now