08. Art gets the heart

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"...and when you turn this way, that is right on the end of this hallway, we enter the inner ward..." Ghost Girl aka Rachel continues.

Her directions are way too confusing than the one I made up myself yesterday night or..today's early morning. She keeps on saying things! And it's so messing up my brain!!

"Are you understanding any of the directions she is telling, brunette?"

"Let's just agree that you are way too dumb for your age. It's way better than 'When we see this black something painting on this wall, we walk to the right', Mike." Dan replied.

"Huh! It's better on so many freaking levels!"

"Yeah, sureee."

"You have a whole effing inner grounds thingy?! Wow! So cool! What do you use it for?" The devil, aka Clarie asks.

Ghost Girl laughs before answering, "We used to play here before, my mom and me. Not anymore."

"Why not? Where is your mother?" Jake asks.

"It's... It's because my mother isn't with me. She left us."

Oh no...

"Oh shoot! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Jake says.

Stupid boy.

Ghost Girl does not answer, because apparently, she is upset. I mean, anyone would be upset.

Laura skips over to her and whispers something and in turn, she gives a small laugh.

God bless you, Laura.

"So, in this ground, that way leads to us back to the dining room," she says pointing right, "and that way is for your room." She says as she points straight ahead.

"And here, on the left?" Amanda asks.

"That is the interesting part." Ghost Girl grins, leading us towards there.

Okaaay...what can be so interesting? I think she is just overrating it.

She leads us to a small hallway. I think it is the same one Dan and I met her. She opens a door on the right and... Oh my God!

Oh my God! Oh my God! It's so freaking beautiful! No wayyy!! Oh my God!

Paintings filled the surfaces of all the walls. Not just paintings. Amazing paintings. It's so heavenly. Glass doors and windows, let the bright sunlight in, which fills the whole room. Small, rolling shelves with art supplies arranged neatly throughout. A few more uncompleted canvases stand on their easels. It even had the palette and brush holder!

"Wow. These paintings are on top of the world!" Laura exclaims excitedly.

"Yeahhh. Wow." I say as I move forward trying to get a closer look at the paintings.

"Thanks!" Ghost Girl laughs, "I did them."

What?! She did it?! No way!! She is probably younger than me! This world is so unfair! I can't paint like this! But I have to give her the credit. It's stunning. I'll stop calling her Ghost Girl for this.

"It's lovely," I say again.

"Thanks. Coming from you, it's an honest compliment." She says, coming to stand beside me, viewing the painting.


"Huh? What?"

"You do paint right?"

"Yeah...Wait! What? How do you even know that?! Was I right? You are a ghost, aren't you??!"

She chuckles slightly and answers, "Your backpack, the one you were holding today morning, had paint on it."

"That doesn't have to mean that I paint! It might mean that I live with a person who paints! Or I might have gotten into a paint fight with my friends! And it doesn't even have to mean that I paint well. You don't know! I might be a horrible artist for all you know!"

"It might be but I guessed and I guessed right. And even if your paintings are horrible, art is art however you do it. "

"Uh-huh. Sure." It might explain but it's still creepy about how she knows! Jeez!

But still, she is amazing at painting.

I go ahead, seeing a few more. Everything is totally breathtaking. I can't even explain how it is! Gosh! I wish I did it like this.

"Where and how did you learn?" I ask.

"My mother taught me how to paint. I started from a young age. My older paintings are terrible. It just gets better with every painting I do. How did you start?" She replies.

"Me? I started just a few years ago when I realized I had no other better work to do. It was an accident. One of my friends challenged me for a painting competition and mine ended pretty well than I expected it to be. Don't know how though. I had never painted. My genes probably. My aunt paints. But it's not as good as yours."

"Oh, wow. Ha..that's crazy "

"Yeah, thanks." I smile.

All of my friends come and stand in front of us, after seeing all of Rachel's paintings.

"It's really great!"


"I'm speechless. Like...Oh My God!!"


"It's wonderful how people like you let the artsy side grow."

Rachel laughs again, "Thank you so much, guys! I've never had so many compliments."

No one complimented?

"Jeez. They are all probably jealous." I scoff.

"Jealous? People have never seen my works." She laughs sarcastically.

"Why not?!" Danny asks, surprised.

"Well, with the placement of our house, do you think people ever come here? In the middle of such a dense forest? You guys are the only insane people who dared to come here!"

Oh God, this poor girl.

"You have internet access here right? You can post it on the net. Millions of people will see it and will love it." Jake suggests.

"Yeah, a place where no one knows me? A place where no one recognizes me? A place where people might steal what I have done and take the credit for themselves? No thanks."

"Yeah but.. " Jake tries to reason.

Rachel ignores it, "Let's go. I have another place to show."

"Sure." Clarie accepts.

Everyone leaves the room. Kade and I are the ones to leave at last.

"Kade, bro, talk."

"Yeah, okay."

"What do you mean 'yeah okay'? I asked you to talk!"

"Okay... Rachel's life is so sad, right? I mean... I doubt her father too gives her the attention she wants."

"Yeah," I sigh. "Some people don't deserve what they get in life. But this is totally not what I meant by 'talk'!"

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