[11] rescues and love and horcruxes oh my!

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BANG! THERE WAS ANOTHER, this one even louder than the last, and it sounded as if a door had been knocked off its hinges and sent crashing to the floor. Even down in the cellar, the couple could hear the chaos happening up above. They got to their feet, Regulus catching Stella as she stumbled a bit. Before they could say a word, however, they heard several footfalls going down the stairs and through the hallway leading straight to them.

"Get behind me, go," Regulus whispered, and he ushered her to a corner, where he stood, ready to ambush, with her behind him. It could have been the Order, sure, but it could also be the Death Eaters looking to do everything they could to keep their captives—well, he'd figure out soon enough, wouldn't he?

The cellar door was pushed open.

"Where are they?" hissed a man—one of the Lestranges. The first chance Regulus got, as they all began to step inside, he pounced, lunging for the first one in and grasping in search of a wand. There was a moment's struggle, but unfortunately, three armed Death Eaters outdid an unarmed Regulus, and he was quickly subdued by the Lestrange brothers.

"Cut yourselves free, did you?" drawled Bellatrix, who didn't seem at all fazed by what was going on upstairs, nor by what had just happened.
"My my my, you're either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid, the both of you. Now, time to go." She turned to Stella and grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her out of the cell behind Regulus and the two brothers.
"Seems the Order of the Phoenix is pretty set on rescuing you," Bellatrix continued in a hushed tone as they moved through the corridor.

"If he's going to talk, maybe we should silence him," said one of the brothers.

"We do that and we'll all be killed," said the woman as if it were obvious.
"We just need to get the precious little couple here to another safe house before those filthy blood traitors and mudbloods get ahold of them." They turned the corner and went up the steep, narrow staircase, which the pair had only seen once before.

"You think you have a chance in getting us out of here, Bella?" challenged Regulus, doing his best to slow down the process.

"Yeah, I do, actually," she snapped back, glaring at her youngest cousin. She was growing more irritable by the moment; she was panicking.
"Just remember that, while we can't kill you, we have no issue in killing her, all right? So I suggest you keep moving." That did the trick, and Regulus no longer made an attempt to stall. They turned down corridor after corridor, and the sounds of fighting soon grew further and further away—both Stella and Regulus were beginning to lose hope.

And then, they turned a corner and were met by a wall of four young men, two of whom Stella recognized. Their wands were withdrawn, pointed in the direction of the newcomers, and the Death Eaters responded by using their captives as shields.

"Let us leave, or the girl dies," Bellatrix hissed from behind Stella, holding her arm so tightly that the girl winced.
"Drop your wands, go on now." The four across the hall all hesitated, looking to one another, and it came down to the other three looking to Sirius for direction. He gave a small nod.

"All right, Bella, we're lowering them now, don't be hasty," he said calmly, and he slowly began to lower his wand, the others following in suit. However, just before they reached the ground, something happened, and it happened with shocking speed.
"Now!" he shouted suddenly, and Stella acted on instinct and dropped to the floor as best as she could whilst Bellatrix still had hold of her arm. Regulus did the same, and despite the Lestrange brothers' firm grip on him, he was able to give the Order members enough space to work with. It was only a matter of time before the Death Eaters let go of their captives to focus on the duel at hand, and Regulus took it upon himself to get Stella the hell away from it all. Staying as close to the ground as possible, he pulled her aside and held her close, doing his best to shield her from any rogue spell that could potentially come their way. She shook in his arms, and he held her a bit tighter.

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