Chapter Ten: Oh Danny Boy

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March 10' 1917



         It is my painful duty to inform you that a report this day has been received from the War Office notifying the death of : ------


[Name]….Daniel T. Maclean….

[Regiment]….The 11th Hussars….

which occurred….in service….

on the….30’ of January ’17….

The report is to the effect that he….was killed in action….

         By His Majesty’s command I am to forward the enclosed message of sympathy from Their Gracious Majesties the King and Queen. I am at the same time to express to you the sympathy and regret of the Army Council at the soldier’s death in his Countries service.

         I am to add that any information that may be received as to the soldier’s burial will be communicated to you in due course . A separate leaflet dealing more fully with the subject is enclosed.

         Any application you may wish  to make regarding the late soldier’s effects should be addressed to The Secretary, War Office, Whitehall, London 3 Way and marked with his name and rank.

I am,


Your obedient Servant.


Officer in charge of Records

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