Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Tiny mewls filled the nursery as a small kit took her first breaths, squirming blindly. Lilystep let out a soft, tired purr as she gazed down at the little bundle. The she-kits pelt was slicked and wet, but it was a glorious cream color.

"A beautiful shecat!" Tootsie announced, standing beside her clanmate. The munchkin cat had assisted in the birth, like she had done with Pebblekit,Stonekit and Sandkit two moons earlier. She had experienced giving birth enough that she knew what she was doing if anything happened.

"She will need a name" Ivyshine, the mother of the two moon old kits, spoke. Lilystep let a happy noise of acknowledgement and nuzzled her baby.

"Hello, Creamkit. Welcome to caveclan." Lilystep murmured, her head dipping to lick her baby and guide her over to feed.

"What's 'cream'?" A tiny voice spoke up. A solid grey kit stood a few feet from the clans newest member, his ears pricked and curious.

"Hush, Stonekit. Let Lilystep sleep" the kits mother chided him, tugging him back to the safety of her belly. "It isn't polite to ask a queen why she named her kits"

"It's alright Ivyshine." Lilystep let out an amused purr. "He's just curious." She shifted her blue gaze to Stonekit.

"Cream is something my mother told me about when I was young. It's sweet and warm like milk, but thicker and deeper in color. It was a special treat for her and her littermates"

"Oh!" Stonekit smiled "your kittypet mom!" He said, a satisfied look on his face.

Tootsie, who had been busy adoring over the newest kit, looked up. She had only came to the clan two drought seasons ago from twoleg place. Though she had been in the clan for quite some time, that little peice of clan gossip had clearly never gotten to her.

"Your mother was a kittypet?" She purred, settling down beside her clanmate.

Lilystep gave an unashamed nod while Ivyshine scolded Tootsie and Stonekit.

"We don't talk about that" the white and tabby patched she cat whispered in her kits ear.

Lilystep shook her head "I'm proud of my mother" she said softly, resting her head on her paws tiredly.  The other queen didn't look like she believed her.

"But why? It isn't a bad thing to be related to a kittypet." Tootsie said, her fluffy chest puffed up.

"Rest now" Ivyshine sighed, shaking her head a bit, tucking Stonekit into her pelt. She completely ignored the short legged she cat with a belly full of kits.

Lilystep licked Tootsies shoulder. "You're right." She assured, casting a glance at her uptight denmate. Ivyshine ignored them both, keeping her eyes closed.

Lilystep sighed and took one more glance at her precious daughter. "Goodnight, sweet Creamkit." She whispered before letting sleep take her.


The next day Stonekit was prodding the tiny cream colored newborn "cmon! Get up and play!"

Creamkit just let out a loud wail of distress. Lilystep woke immediately and frowned.


"She's too small!" Ivyshine hissed and grabbed him by the scruff, tugging him back over, completely cutting off Lilystep.

"But I want someone to play with! It's not fair!" Stonekit squirmed against his mother's grasp.

"Stonekit-" Lilystep tried to soothe, but the small grey kit wailed on

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