Sweet revenge

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Leah's POV:

In a few days time it's finally that time again. Match day and an important one too. Man City are coming to Meadow park this weekend and what a game it will be. I'm so excited, these are the games you are longing for as a player. Two top teams, in a game where nothing is to take for granted and every mistake can be crucial. Another reason to look forward to the weekend is mine and Jordan's dinner plans with Lucy and Keira at our house after the game. Personally I've got a good feeling going for the weekend. A home game and surely a key one in the title race, with all the Arsenal supporters behind us, this has to be a revenge of purest class.

"Leah, stop daydreaming will ya? Remember what we talked about last training huh?!" Daan whispers in my ear, sneaking up from nowhere really. I just gulp and continue with the drill as if nothing happened. Later on the training session is over and it's finally time to go home. I'm a bit exhausted from all the training we've done today. First we had a skills session in the morning, then gym and after that we discussed tactics and at last there was the second training on the pitch. I leave the training ground together with Jordan. We jump into her car and you can tell both of us are tired.

"Are you sure you won't fall asleep while driving us home? The team would be missing out on their best players if something would happen to us you know.." I say rather teasingly.

"As if I would have a choice anyway? You have no drivers license!" Jordan answer slightly annoyed.

I let out a laugh before replying. "Well for once you're actually right, but it won't be long before I get my hands on mine. Watch this space.."

"Oh, so who's teaching you to drive?" She says laughing. "I would love seeing you drive, funny thing though is I can't imagine you sitting behind the wheel."

"Why is that? I'm wondering the same thing about you. I mean look at you, how is it even possible for you to see the road behind that steering wheel!"

"Come on Leah, do you know nothing about cars? Do I really have to explain myself on this one?" Jordan lets out, while pulling out from the parking lot.

When we get home the first thing we do is cuddling up on the couch. I turn on the tv and put on some football. We literally arrived at home about two minutes ago, but Jordan has somehow already fallen asleep on my stomach. 'Poor thing' I thought to myself. She seems more exhausted than me, and that's not something that happens often. Usually I'm the tired one and she has this wild energy still even after the heaviest of trainings. I gently stroke her cheek with my thumb, whilst looking peacefully at her gorgeous face. She looks so cute while sleeping. I can't stop thinking of how lucky I am to have her in my life. The hours went by and midnight was knocking on the door. We still hasn't moved and I've not got that much sleep compared to Jordan, who is still sleeping on me. I give her forehead a kiss, before whispering "good night" in her ear. I wrap my arms around her and follow her into the land of dreams.

~Match day~

Here we go, today is the day. Arsenal v Man City. It's just a few hours until kick off and we're soon meeting up with the team for pre match duties. Me and Jordan are so excited for this game it's insane really. We wake up, get some breakfast and then we're off to the training ground. We have our own kick about just for fun and then we finish it off with some link ups and shooting practice.

"Oh my.... that's a bloody good one mate! Save one for the game Jord will ya?"

"Yeah sure, only top bins now innit?" Jordan says smiling at me.

"Only worldies today, yeah? I want to have something to brag about when we host Lucy and Keira later tonight okay." I grin from ear to ear while saying that, knowing fully well that she's more than capable of doing such things.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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