Ocean eyes

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Leah's POV:

I can't stop looking into her beautiful light brown eyes. I've never been this close to her face before, it's just a few inches away from mine. I want her so bad, I can't resist it anymore. I see her staring right back at me, not letting go off her gaze. I smirk at her as I know exactly what she wants.


Jordan's POV:

This moment feels so unreal, I can't believe what's happening. Unlike before, this time it's not a dream. I have a hard time taking in that Leah is laying on top of me. I'm still in chock as I wasn't expecting her to jump in front of me just like that. It's impossible not to get lost in her eyes, just like I've done countless of times before. This time it feels different, it's real. I can't do anything but drown in those deep, clear blue eyes. They really are as deep as the ocean, a sight I know for sure I'll never get tired of. I really want to kiss her, but I can't move as I'm still in chock.

I'm too obsessed with her eyes that I don't notice her face moving closer to mine. Leah closes the gap between us and I feel her lips against mine. It's like she can read my mind, this is all I wanted to do since the first time I got to know her. I can feel her smiling into the kiss. At first I still can't believe it, but I'm quick to kiss her back, not wanting her to think that I don't like her in that way. In the beginning she was gently, but the more time that passes by, the more passionate it gets. I love this feeling and I love Leah. Eventually both of us need air, which causes us to break apart. She smiles at me and I can't do anything but return the smile. After a while I connect our lips again. I'm absolutely addicted to this feeling, it gives me an euphoria bigger than my heart can handle. The taste of her lips is like no other, and the feeling of having her this close makes my heart beat faster than it ever has. This time the kiss is more passionate than before. It could've lasted longer than the previous one, if it wasn't for Leah's sudden move.

"That's enough for today Jord, it's getting late!" She says as she breaks the kiss.

"As if you care anyway..."

"Yes, I actually do. I don't want a grumpy Jordan tomorrow. Am I the only one sharing that opinion?"

"Probably not." I say, agreeing with her. After that I head back towards my own bedroom, thinking the conversation is over.

"Woah, woah, woah... where do you think you're going?"

"What?" I say confused as I turn around to face her.

"You're sleeping here tonight, what else did you expect?!" She says with a voice mixed off playfulness and sarcasm.

"Ok mum, if I have to..." I say, smirking at her. "I really can't say no to this offer, can I?"

"No, you can't! Now come over here, it's time to sleep!"

I slowly make my way over to her. I sit down next to her on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to say something, but she doesn't. We sit there in a comfortable silence, until I realize something.

"This bed is too small for both of us to share." I say.

"Not if we share properly!"

"Don't be smart with me Leah..." I respond. Instead of saying something she just smirks at me, making me smirk back at her.

Minutes later we lie in bed together, happily snuggled up to each other. She holds me tight against her, so tight that I nearly can't breathe. I find it quite hard to drift off to sleep, the only thing on my mind is Leah. I can't let go off all the thoughts and all the feelings rushing through my body at the same time. I don't even have to turn around to know that she's already asleep. Her heavy breath have already reached my neck for what feels like years ago. It's great to know that she likes me back, but it would've been even greater to let myself get the rest I need. If I don't get the hours of sleep my body asks for, then I'll for sure be my grumpy self tomorrow. That won't impress neither Leah nor myself.

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