Chapter 22~ 'Birthday Gifts'

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Wilbur POV

I wake up to the sun peeking through the curtains, and smile. I remember last night. I had confessed to Y/n, and she said she loved me too. She was currently curled up next to me, asleep. Her back was against my chest, and her arms were wrapped around one of my arms, her sleeping self wanting me to stay. I smile. She is so wonderful.

The way her e/c eyes sparkle when she smiles. The way her h/l h/c hair sways behind her when she runs. The way she looks so happy when she talks about the stars. The way she gets flustered whenever somebody comments her. The way she moves so smoothly around the kitchen when she cooks, or the way she smiles when we enjoy the food she made. The way her skin glows in the sunlight.

I love everything about her.

The way she laughs. The way she giggles when I pick her up.

And she loves me.

I feel her roll a little in her sleep, and I gently run my fingers through her hair. She smiles tiredly, her e/c eyes fluttering open.

"Mrning Wil." She mumbles groggily. I laugh a little.

"Morning Y/n." I reply happily. She yawns, sitting up. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her back down.

"No. Five more minutes." I say, trying to braid a piece of her hair. She giggles, taking my hands and showing me how to weave the strands.

"Okay. Five more minutes." She agrees, watching me braid lots of small, loose braids in her hair. After five minutes, she taps me on the shoulder.

"Wilbur we have to get up now." She says smiling. She gets up, grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom. She walks in without knocking, finding a shirtless Tommy with a toothbrush in hand.

"What the fuck Y/n?!" He asks, not seeming very surprised. She shrugs.

"Hey Tommy. I need to use the bathroom too." She says simply, grabbing her own toothbrush. The two brush their teeth, and I watch them, smiling. Two of my favorite people, here, under the same roof, in the same room. I need to do something fun with them today.

They finish brushing their teeth, and we head downstairs together, leaving everybody else to sleep until breakfast is done. We are the only ones up, so Y/n turns on some music while grabbing eggs, bread and some other things.

"Do you guys think French toast sounds good today?" She asks, grabbing some bowls and measuring cups. Tommy gasps.

"Yes, that sounds good, but WE SHOULD DO A COOKING STREAM!" He shouts, running upstairs to grab his laptop. He comes back a moment later, setting down the laptop on the counter while he opens StreamLabs and Twitch. He pulls out his phone, tweeting that he will go live soon. He starts the stream, putting up the 'Starting Soon' screen. After a few minutes of letting viewers roll in, he takes down the screen, replacing it with the facecam.

"WHAT UP BOYS?" He yells his iconic line. The chat whizzes by at a crazy speed, asking where he is.

"So boys, as you can see, I am not at home today. Actually, I am in a kitchen, and I am going to cook today." He says, smiling. Y/n scoffs, stepping into the camera view.

"Like your actually gonna cook. I'm the only one who actually can cook here." She says, standing next to Tommy. Chat goes a record speed, asking about the 'woman.' Tommy laughs.

"Chat, this is Y/n! Y/n say hi." He demands.

"No." Y/n says plainly. Tommy rolls his eyes.

"Y/n say hi to chat. They want to meet you." He says again. Y/n sighs.

I'm in love with an e-girl ~Wilbur Soot x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now