45. {bradley's big guys}

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july 4th
hopper&el's cabin - bradley's big guys

they dashed back inside, jonathan seized an axe while nancy took a rifle. the rest of them were in the cabin, sealing off and obstructing all windows and doors.

once they were done, nancy stood in the middle of the room with her shotgun, "hey, get away from the windows." she ordered.

they all stood in a circle, tilly clung onto max's arm as the light's flickered and plates shook.

will felt his nape once again, knowing what was coming, "it's close."

tilly abruptly felt a sharp shiver trickle down her shaking body, "oh, God." she glanced down at her left wrist and felt her washed-out, spider mark tingling.

from outside, the leaves rustled, the branches snapped, heavy thuds were detected and cups smashed which made the group glance around. but then, there was pure silence.

"where'd it go?" max demanded as they all panicked.

a tendril rammed through the wooden wall and went straight for el. she and the younger teens retreated up against a wall, but before the claw could reach her, jonathan had thrust his axe onto it.

as he was about to repeat the action for the third time, the arm smacked him away into the bookshelf. as it trapped him in the corner, nancy began shooting at it. but when she ran out of bullets, the arm went straight for her.

centimetres away from nancy's face, el had held it and snapped the claw off. the rest of the arm went back through the hole it came out of.

"holy shit." max gasped before a second and third arm shot out at el.

she used both arms to hold it. but when a fourth one extended for her, tilly's hand was out to stop it. the two held the arms for a couple of seconds before el shredded the claw off causing the remains to shriek and crawl back out of the cabin.

with the claw levitating through the air at her command, tilly scorched it to dust, watching the nearly non-existent particles float down. "woah." the brunette gaped as the small bits vanished.

a noise was heard from above and a large arm came shooting out in el's direction. tilly was quick to undertake her to the ground, managing to twist eleven's foot in a weird direction - making her scream out in agony. the creature gave el a scratch on her injured leg before jamming its claws into tilly's right side and tugging her off the ground.

"fuck!" tilly cussed as she was hauled up. it must have been the adrenaline because, at that moment, tilly was unable to feel any ache. without hesitation, will and mike dashed forward and clutched her two arms, attempting to drag her down.

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