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My name is Y/N Tepesh, I am thousands of years old, 25,000 to be exact. My father is Kemuri the smoke dragon king and my mother is Auria Tepesh, the legendary demon slayer vampire while Yōgan, the legendary lava dragon is my uncle. All three of them raised me well and loved me with everything they had. They also trained me to use their magics, smoke dragon slayer magic, lava dragon slayer magic and blood magic. Not only that but they also taught many other things as well.

My mother and father taught me how to read and write while also taught me how to fight. Life was great and I had hoped those good times would never end. However things changed when my mother left and never came back to us. Turns out my mother was killed by a demon from the book of Zeref. My father and I were extremely sad about losing her but there was nothing that we could do about.

Her death made me want to become even stronger so I could avenge her and make sure no one would ever lose a loved one to Zeref's demons. Yōgan ended up coming around more often after my mother died, to keep my mind off her death he taught me lava dragon slayer magic. My father was apprehensive at first about me learning another dragon slayer magic but ended up excepting it.

By the time I had turned 1,200, my father and Yōgan had left me alone. They didn't give me any clue as to where they went. They didn't even tell me goodbye, it hurt a lot but my father did leave me something. He had left me a note with his and Yōgan's final goodbyes to me.

"To my son
My son, your uncle and I love you very much and are sad that we must leave you like this. We would stay if we could but we need to prepare you for what is to come in an inevitable future. The only advice that we can give you is to explore the world and continue practice and master your three magics until there is nothing more you can do. Once you feel as though you've seen all that you can and have learned all there is, join a guild. Join a guild where you can experience true friendship and comradery. We hope that whatever guild you decide join will end up feeling like a family to you.
Love your father"

I decided to take that advice to heart, I traveled around the world and learned everything that I could. Everyday I worked on mastering my magic and improving it further. Along the way I met some very interesting people and developed many lasting friendships. The older I got the more I saw the times begin to change. Magic was no longer kept amongst those who could learn it. Now it was beginning to be bought and sold in every marketplace. The common man could use magic or an item that ran off of magic.

I wished that my mother and father along with my uncle could see all of this. Eventually it came to the part of my journey where I had done everything there was and learned all that I could. I decided to then follow the second part of my father's advice, join a guild. I then began to wander around the continent looking for a guild to join.

While looking for guilds to join, I tried to find one that was not only strong and well know but one that was also welcoming and had a sort of family like atmosphere to it. I went to many guilds and while they had one quality to it, it lacked the ones I was looking for. Phantom Lord came to mind when I was looking for a strong well known guild. However when I began to do my research on them, I found things that changed my mind about them.

They weren't exactly the most friendly guild and they let their ego dictate their actions. With them off the board, I discovered a guild in the town of Magnolia. Their name was Fairy Tail and they were considered to be one of the strongest guilds in Fiore. What stuck out to me about them was that they had a really destructive reputation. To me that meant they had some extremely powerful members. Also they were well known for excepting just about anyone who wanted to join their guild.

The guild's master was one of the twelve wizard saints and was a kind old man who viewed the members of his guild as his family. From there I decided that I was going to go to Magnolia and join the Fairy Tail guild.

Outside Of Magnolia

Just outside the small town of Magnolia on a hill, we see a young man walking. He stops and looks down bellow at the town, seeing all of the buildings and the large cathedral in the center of the town. "Looks like I've finally made it" he says to himself as he continues to walk down the hill. Once down the hill the young man walks on the path that leads straight for the town.

The young man walks down the streets of Magnolia and sees all of the people working, shopping and just enjoying themselves. Seeing the people smile and laugh makes the young man smile. He continues to walk through the streets until he stops. "Looks like I'm lost" he says to himself "can I help you young man?" A voice asks. The young man turns around and sees a little old lady standing there. "Yes ma’am, I could use some help, I'm kind of lost" the young man answers.

"Well then, it is a good thing that you met me, what can I help you find?" The old woman asks the young man. "Well, you see I'm looking for the Fairy Tail guildhall" the young man answers. "I should of known, you must be a strong mage" the old woman says. "I wouldn't say that I'm strong just skilled" the young man replies. "Well either way, if you need directions to the guildhall, I'll help you" the old woman says.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea what this means to me" the young man says. "Ah dearie, your making me blush, now if you want to find the Fairy Tail guildhall, go left past the cathedral then continue on down that way until you see the water, there you'll see the building with the guild symbol on it" the old woman tells the young man.

"Thank you so much for that" the young man says to the old woman "don't mention it young man, the people of Magnolia enjoy helping out others" the old woman replies. Now with directions, the young man continues on his way to the Fairy Tail guildhall. It doesn't take him long to walk down the streets past the cathedral to a large pagoda like building with the Fairy Tail guild emblem on it.

"Looks like I made it, I won't let you down father, uncle" the young man says to himself as he walks to the doors of the guild.

A/N: Alright readers, here is the prologue chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. I tried to keep a lot from the first prologue I did while also changing it up. Y/N's mother still was killed by a demon from the book of Zeref and Y/N was left to be raised by his father now with help from his uncle. Now, I will also be keeping a lot of the same things from the chapters I've done in the original story but with some minor and major changes to them. The story will start right before the Lullaby arc and after the Dear Kaby arc. Now, I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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