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I rolled over in my bed waking to the gentle sound of pitter-pattering rain on the window next to my head. Lazily I opened my eyes and looked outside with a dull expression. I could hear my stomach growling, but chose to remain still ignoring my body's needs. I countined to watch the rain drops race down the window for just a bit longer before pulling a cigarette from the carton laying next to my pillow, placing the stick between my lips I flipped open my lighter burned the stick then inhaled deeply letting toxic smoke fill my lungs first thing in the morning. It was a bad habit I had picked up from my ex but it helped lessen my appetite allowing me to save money and time from having to eat.

Eventually I convinced myself to get up from my tomb that was actually a bed hidden within a small loft located above the bathroom. I climb down the short latter right into the one of the world's tiniest kitchenette. With just the bare minimums a short fat fridge, stove and a sink but not a single countertop in sight.

In the living space was a small bench built into the wall under a large bay window looking down a long skinny staircase. Taking my place on the couch I countined to watch the rain from a different location all the while dwindling the number of cigarettes left in my carton.

I'd moved to this house about three months ago it was a measly 330 square feet and was located in a small town in the mountains. It was a nice change from the city I use to live in, no more thick smog or loud vehicles.

The view from the house and balcony is what truly sold me on it though, shrubbery covered the balcony rail giving privacy but still allowing you to see just over the top and out into the vast Valley, there bright green fields sounded by large mountain ranges. The area has always been known for its vibrant flowers and amazing growing seasons making the town feel as if it's brimming with a special energy. It's the exact opposite of me, I'd become a void of any kind of energy, if I did have energy it was used to fuel my anger and pettiness.

I use to live in a huge apartment with my ex, but~ after finding him in bed with my best friend I made the smart choice ,and packed everything I owned in there while they were "busy" and bailed. Granted I left most of my belongings behind making the smart chioce...

When I had confronted the others apparently all of them knew and unanimously agreed to just not say anything, I was devastated I'd lost everything so quickly and didn't even noticed when it happened. So with the revelation I'd decided to just disappear, I was much better off alone then with people I could no longer trust.

Money wasn't an issue I was a successful author and made plenty of money to cover my monthly mortgage, especially with such a small house.

I had been with my ex for about six years, but knew him and the others far longer, upwards of ten years. I'd spent over half my life with them, they were like a family to me when I'd never had one before, making their betrayal all the more devastating.

After finishing another cigarette I got up and opened the fridge 'empty...' Today might be the best time to go grocery shopping, the rain should keep most people inside perfect for someone like me who wants to avoid human contact like the plague.

I throw on a hoodie not even bothering with a bra since the fabric was large enough to hide my figure, besides it not like I cared anymore. Finding some comfy sweats I slipped them on before heading to the bathroom mirror.

The glass had started desilvered from age, framing my face with small rust color spots adding further to the look of my dead face. I looked briefly at my eyes to acknowledge myself, then throw my hair up in a terrible bun before trying to wash the dead look from my eyes. I gave myself an irritated look as I returned my gaze to the small mirror. 'Great now I just look like a wet corpses.' Dark circles formed under my (e/c) eyes and my (s/t) skin had gone pale(er) from lack of sunlight, my lips were chapped from lack of care and a terrible habit of chewing on them. I finished getting ready then pulled my hood up before grabbing my backpack then leaving, locking the door behind me.

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