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I woke up I was laying on his chest, a small smile played across my lips. I looked at the time and sighed. It was 4 in the morning he would be getting up in an hour and a half.

I went to move out of his grasp but his hold only tightened he seemed so fragile in his sleep. "Koa... please.... don't leave...."

I smile sadly at him kissing his head. "I'll be back soon... promise..." he hums his grip loosening I smile getting dress and jotting down a quick note.

I know you are wondering where I am, I have to do something early today. I will see you at erudite at the meeting I will be there. Promise
~Little Dove

I made my way out of his room back to my room changing quickly. I grabbed my bag making sure I had erudite clothes so I can sneek in with out being noticed.

I grabbed the bag running out to the train. I waited for it to arrive before I ran jumping on. I changed into the erudite clothes fixing my hair putting my clothing neatly away.

I had scheduled to meet my little brother. At this point it was around 5, I jumped out the train careful with the clothes I was wearing. Geez was it hard to move in this clothes.

I moved the skirt down my ass had gotten bigger since the last time I ware these. I walked in with my head held High and confidently. No one questioned me when I met my brothers gaze he nods his head for me to follow him.

I walk over to him he gives me a tight hug. "Sister." He had a heavy accent. I smiled at him. He was 15 and tall.

"Brother, let's go I need to change and we need to get to the hidden library." He nods head head we move quickly down the halls. I find a bathroom and change back into my all black clothing and thank god pants!

We made our way down a long dark hallway till I started to drag my hand across the wall. I found a loose stone I pressed on it causing the wall to open.

I looked behind me and sees my brother looking out. "Come on." We both go down the door behind the wall.


I was walking down the familiar path ways down to my old house in Erudite. I was following my brother. I needed to speak with my father and tell him everything that's going on.

"Is he still drinking Luka?" I looked at my younger brother who was walking by my side.

"No, he stopped once you left and made an effort to do better. You leaving meds and medical stuff to help him worked as well." I nod my head.

We walk to the door and I take a deep breath opening it up. The house was clean spot less. Not a spec of dust in sight.

"Dalia?" I head a deep voice call my name. I turned around and saw a tall built male standing there with a confused face.

"Papa!" I smiled running to him. I jumped up into his arms his large arms wrapped around me holding me.

"I missed you my angel." He kissed the top of my head and placed me down I had tears of joy seeing how far he has come.

He didn't reek of alcohol. He was keeping up with the house himself and taking care of my brother.

"I missed you too papa. I know this is an odd time but there's something bad going on. Erudite is trying to take control of all the factions and kill all abnegation."

"How?" He looked at me shocked and confused.

"They are using dauntless, the leader is blind and an idiot I'm third in command but I can't do much. I know you have high respects here at erudite. Since you used to be a leader." He nods his head he looked at my brother then me.

"Luka and I got the evidence it's all in the bag. I remember you made me read the whole library and that's how I came across them."

"Very smart angel, okay I'll make a few calls and things when's the next meeting?" He spoke heading to his office I followed behind him.

"It's today in 30 minutes, that won't be enough time papa. So I'll inform you what happened during the meeting after."

"Okay go angel we don't need them to suspect anything love." He nods his head for me to go getting to work before calling luka to help him.

"Bye papa." I smiled running out of the house before calmly walking through erudite.

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