8, Mash-up!

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She was sat in the choir room, her arms crossed as she refused to let anyone near her. She had a glare on her face, and Jaeden was staring at her, a towel in his hands. "The slushy war has commenced." Kurt commented quietly to Mercedes.

"And if Finn, Quinn, Lily and Jaeden got nailed, none of us are safe." Mercedes replied, just as Mr. Schue entered the choir room.

"Okay, guys, we're a little behind for sectionals, thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour, but you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash-ups, right?" He said, and Lily finally let Jaeden clean her off with a towel. "And I'm gonna keep you guys fired up. Plus, there's an important lesson to be learned with mash-ups. Sometimes things are so different, they don't feel like they go together. But the big difference between them is what makes them great. Like... chocolate and bacon."

"Or glee club and football." Finn commented as Quinn tried getting the slushy off his face at the drums. Jaeden brushed a few strands behind Lily's ear as he cleaned her off.

"Exactly." Mr. Schue pointed at Finn. "But you've proven that it is a great combination. So, here is my personal favourite song, and your homework for the week is to find an unexpected mash-up to go with it."

Mr. Schue passed Lily and Jaeden a sheet of music as Jaeden finished cleaning Lily up. "Bust a move?" Kurt said.

"Yeah, this song is old school." Mercedes commented. Lily loved this song, and she liked to annoy Jaeden by blasting it loudly when they were in the car.

"Alright, um, Artie?" Mr. Schue called.

"Yeah?" Artie said.

"Try to follow along on the bass." Mr. Schue instructed. "Finn, take us through it." The teacher pointed at Finn.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Schuester." Finn apologised. "I got corn syrup in my eye."

"Okay, uh, Puck, how about it?" Mr. Schuester turned to Puck, who was sat in front of Jaeden. Puck was reading the lyrics.

"I don't really groove on Young MC." Puck spoke up, and Jaeden snickered at his lame excuse for not doing it. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Schue looked at Jaeden.

"Jaeden —?"

"I don't like the song." Jaeden immediately cut Mr. Schuester off with a lie. He might always get annoyed when Lily blasted it in the car, but he did like the song.

"I am shocked at the lack of leading-man ambition in this room right now." Rachel stated, looking around.

Lily rose her eyebrows. "Why don't you do it, then?"

"I'm not a man." Rachel replied, turning to her secret friend.

Jaeden snickered. "Well you sure could pass as one." At his words, Rachel frowned and Lily sent Jaeden a look.

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