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Quick thing before I begin, I'm thinking of making an ask Feraltale Ask book. Would you be interested?

You left The Lab after you got a newly upgraded phone. Alphys said she would help you from here on out. So far all you were getting was status updates on a 'Mew New Kissy Cutie' anime. You [Preference] anime, but have never watched it. You continued on, sparing sane monsters and fleeing feral ones. This kept up until you got to the gay guards. You entered a fight with them and found that you had to scrape dirt off of 02. Once you did that you attempted to get 01 to admit his feelings. You only had to do this a few times before 02's armor was ripped off. "It's to hot!" You looked to the blushing 01. "Now's the time!" You pushed. 01 broke. "02. I think I like you man. Like, I like, like you. Your smart and I love doing guard duty with you. You're, like, my true mate bro!" 'True mates?' You wondered. "I, like, feel it too, man! I love you, man!" With that the pair left. "What is this about true mates? You wondered out loud.

Pap an' I spent the rest of the day with dad. Pap was reintroduced and I told him my whole story.

3 years after Gaster's fall

It was dark. I was in the never-ending nightmare that was my head. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, I couldn't control my actions. It's been forever. Why? Why can I do anything? Why could I see anything? It's been to long! I- I need to wake up! Get up! Get Up! GET UP! My sockets shot open and I panted heavily. It was still dark, but my eyes were adjusting quickly. A lab. I was in my dad's personal lab. "Whys the power out?" I tried to get up and move, but cold metal held me back. I.. Was chained to a wall? "What? What happened?" The place was thick with dust and dad's scent was nonexistent. I knew the dust wasn't his, it had no scent. It was normal, average dust. "How do i get out?" I looked around. Nothing. Nothing to free myself with but... My tail..of course! I pulled myself as far from the wall as I could and whipped my tail at the chains with everything I had. It sent me stumbling forward, but at least I was free. The first thing I did was rummage through the fridge dad had down here. I. Was. Starving. Only after that did I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror. It wasn't hard to see in the dark. Two glowing, golden slits instead of round, white pinpricks. I was feral. "h-how is this.." It shouldn't have been possible, but it was. I was feral, but I had CONTROL. But.. There was no way I could go back to Papyrus like this.. I could still be a danger..

3 more years had passed. I was about 13ish now. I'd fixed up the place and started the power up. I even had the cams in every single part of the underground to keep an eye on my bro. A kid fell today and he befriended them. From what I gathered, their name is Frisk. They aren't a bad kid. Once monsters made it to the surface I finally found a solution to my feral problem. I'd found the key to the cuffs around my neck and wrists. I'd been reading up about runes. Runes were how wizards integrated their magic into weapons. It was also how the seven wizards used their souls to create the barrier. Outside the barrier runes could be seen carved around the entrance. If I carved suppression runes into the cuffs, maybe I could look like a normal monster. I got to work on it immediately. I finished them, but then.. The world reset. At first, I was confused. "didn't this happen before?" But there was a drastic change from before.. They were KILLING the monsters. Before I could realize that they would target Paps.. He was already dusting.. At that point.. I didn't care.. I teleported to his scarf and followed their trail of death. I passed the puddle of water that was Undyne, the pile of dust and a coat that was Alphys, the scrap metal that was Mettaton, all the way to Judgement Hall. It was only then, that they noticed my presence, my thirst for REVENGE. Oh boy, they where gonna have a bad time. They died so many times that day. I knew it was gonna happen, but they still caught me off guard. I held my bleeding chest. "you're... not frisk.. are you..?" They chuckled. "Call me.. Player."

As the world continued to reset, I gave up. I gave up on saving dad. I gave up on meeting Papyrus. I gave up on making the cuffs. I couldn't give up on stopping the Player though. I tried and tried. When I was 26 or so I decided that enough was enough. I carved the runes into the cuffs immediately. When Frisk came out of The Ruins I followed them, and made sure they were thoroughly freaked out. When they got to the gate, I spoke up. "H U M A N. D O N T Y O U K N O W H O W T O G R E E T A N E W P A L? T U R N A R O U N D A N D S H A K E M Y H A N D." They turned around slowly. "W-who are you..?"
"Sans.. Sans the skeleton.. Touch Papyrus and you're dead, capche?" They nodded slowly, scared. "Good." I teleported back home. I didn't need Frisk becoming like the Player and while I knew I could meet Paps, at this point I was afraid. I haven't been apart of society in YEARS. I was.. Kinda afraid of interaction.

It was a couple of resets later when something.. New.. Happened. I'd remade the cuffs yet again and was locking my neck one on when the elevator went off. It hadn't came down here in about 20 years. "What the?" I walked out to see Frisk, Alphys, Undyne, and... Papyrus. I never thought I'd miss physical contact, but the first thing I did was lunge at my bro and hug him tightly. He, being Papyrus, hugged me back as I balled into his clothes. I still don't know how they found me. "UM.."
"r-right.." I backed off. "er.. im sans. sans the skeleton.." I introduced myself nervously. "I'm Frisk! This is Alphys and Undyne. That is.. Uh Papyrus? Are you ok?" They looked to my brother who was watching me closely. I knew he could feel it too. The bond we shared as brothers. He knew. "OH YES.. IM FINE BUT... DO.. DO I KNOW YOU?" I paused and nodded. This is what I've always dreamed of. "hey paps.. im your brother.."

"after that, i was slowly integrated back into society. when the kid reset, i woke up at snowdon instead of the lab." I finished my story. After a bit more conversation, I went up to my room. Just I entered their was a sharp pang of fear in my chest. I knew it was her. [Y/N] was afraid, very afraid. He didn't know what or why, all he knew is that he couldn't deny it. You were his soul mate. Another thing that should be impossible, but it seemed that I attracted the impossible, and was the impossible. I had to get to her out of there.

You were trapped and on the verge of a panic attack. A giant spider lady was in front of you, trying to feed you to her pet. You've always had an irrational fear of spiders, but this was 10 times worse! Then there was that relieving flash of gold and you were in Sans' arms and away from the terrifying spider. He let you cling to him as you sobbed and calmed down. "ill go with you the rest of the way. no need to be afraid anymore.." He assured you. You looked up at him.

Do you take his offer?

Do you refuse?

Wild Soul (Feral Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now