The Man Who Speaks in Hands

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Without much thought to it, you wrapped your arms around him. He stiffened for a second. Then he wrapped his arms around you. He smelled of ketchup and oak, a strange combination but you didn't mind. As the hung continued his cheek bones, you noticed, kept glowing brighter and it made you blush too. "uh.. [Y/N]..?" He finally questioned. You were quick to let go. "S-sorry.. I haven't hugged anyone in a really long time.." He paused, taking your words into consideration. "it felt.. nice.. for someone who hadn't hugged in a log time." He commented. Then he seemed to realize what he'd said. "igottagogottajobtodoandwhatnot!" He disappeared in a flash of gold. "..What?"

With Grillby  chasing you you hadn't gotten to really relax and enjoy the rest of Waterfall. Plus you'd found the ever mysterious River person who offered you the ride, so why not? When you were almost there the River person said something interesting and kinda scary. Their voice was deep and serious. "Beware the Man who Speaks in Hands." They warned ominously. "W-who?" You stammered. Their voice became normal again. "Come again!" They chirped as the boat stopped. You knew you wouldn't get an answer. So you climbed out and followed the trail to the main area.

The warning echoed in your head like the flowers echoed monsters wishes. So ominous.. So scary.. You really didn't want to die again. So, just in case, you found a save point and saved your file. As you did this, though, you got the feeling of being watched. Your fear spiked. Now you were just paranoid.. Right? You brushed against an echo flower. (Whelp I would do this in actual wingdings but my device don't have the emojis I need so.. Sorry..)
"H u m a n ." You froze. That is NOT what the flower said before. You swiftly walked away only to brush against another one.
"Y o u c a n t r u n f o r e v e r ." You walk faster and brush against another one.
"I a n c o m i n g f o r y o u , h u m a n ." You were running at this point. You didn't understand, but somehow you knew something bad would happen. "/N]!"
"I w I l l k i l l y o u f o r w h a t y o u v e d o n e t o m y-"
"[Y/N]!" Someone interrupted the last flower. "Chara?" You asked confused. "Calm down, [Y/N]. You'll leave yourself wide open to the Player." He stated. "But how are you-"
"I told you, I'm always here. Even when your awake. Dr. Gaster is just being a salty boyo." You snicker. "What? Who's Dr.-"
"You heard me. And it worked. Your calmer now. Don't worry about the Doctor." He was right. You were calmer now. "Ok?" You decided to keep moving.

"Where ARE we?" Chara asked for the millionth time. "I don't know. I thought you were the expert?" You asked, annoyed. "This isn't in Waterfall! Not usually!"
"So it just appeared here magically?"
"This is a place UNDERGROUD full of MONSTERS made of MAGIC."
"... Good point.." You muttered. Then you saw a door. A grey door. You got the urge to see what was inside.
"Don't." But you wanted to.. "[Y/N]." Chara warned. You had to.. "[Y/N]! Don't!" You opened the door and cautiously walked in. The door slammed behind you, making you jump and fight to get it open. You failed. You turned back around again, slowly. Then.. You saw it.. A animalistic looking creature in black. Or was the black it's body? You didn't know. It's head was smooth except for a few cracks. One that went up and the other down to its sharp fangs. It had a crest thing on its head. It's clawed hands had holes in the palms. It's eyes were slits. It was feral. It growled at you. "S o y o u f i n a l l y s h o w e d u p ?" It paused. Then you felt a tingle in your soul. It was.. Blue. Like Papyrus's magic.. You were pulled closer. It sniffed you and observed you and you couldn't break free. "Y o u ' r e n o t t h a t h u m a n . . w h o a r e y o u ? S a n s ' s s c e n t . . a r e y o u h i s . ." After his mutterings in that weird language he set you down.. Gently.. "Why?"
"He thinks you and Sans.. Never mind.."
"Wait what about me and Sans?" You asked. "You know what, never mind. So.. Are you Dr. Gaster? It's nice to meet you. I'm.. Uh.. I'm [Y/N]."
"[ Y / N ] ? H o w d o y o u k n o w m y - C h a r a . O f c o u r s e ."
"Are.. Are you trapped here?" You asked. You weren't sure what you could do or if you could?

Do you help free him?

Do you leave him here?

Wild Soul (Feral Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now