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You hesitated. "Um.. Tori said that was pretty important for Soul mates.. It's not.. Intimate.. Is it?" Sans' sockets widened and his face went gold as he quickly and vigorously shook his head. "hell no! it's waaaaaaaaaaay to soon for.. that! and i'm not in season!" 'In season? They have a season?' You wonder. "no. it is important, but nothing intimate. think of it as a bonding session. a way for me to get to know you better and vice versa." He explained, pulling you're thoughts away from the 'in season' thing. "Bonding huh? I'm ok with that." You agree. "great! let's get started then!" His eye lit with magic and he made a pulling motion, summoning my soul. It shown a bright [S/C], just like always but Sans stared at it with a awed expression. He was blushing intensely again. You shifted in slight discomfort, not liking your soul exposed for to long. Sans took notice and quickly summoned his own white soul. "k then. i'll match my soul beat to yours. you might wanna lay down. this can take a lot of energy."
"It didn't when I freed Gaster?" You were a little confused. "no? I would think that you'd be worse off after fixing a shattered soul.. well in any case do what makes you most comfortable than." You shifted into your desired position. "ready?"
"Ready." His soul started to pick up to match your souls pace and then..

Sans POV (Because we already know his past.)

An itty bitty [Y/N] ran through a yard with an older man- probably her dad- chasing her. She was around 3 or 4 and it melted my soul to see her like this. So small. So innocent. She seemed to have the man's [H/C] hair and his complexion. She was laughing and he was playing off the 'tickle monster'. "when was that ever a thing?" I asked myself. A woman with [Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes came out and smiled as [Y/N] evaded her dad's reach once more. "[Y/N], Ethan time to eat." She called. "Nooooo! Th' tickle monsta is gonna get me!" [Y/N] complained. "Oh yeah? Well now the mommy monster is coming!" She lunged at [Y/N] and scooped you up. You started squealing and kicking and laughing. "adorable. what a wholesome family.." I smiled at the moment they shared. The three finally went inside long after it turned dark.

[Y/N] is in middle school now. I've been tagging around since everyone goes right through me anyway. Heh. Anywho, it was her first day here and it wasn't going well. Some brat named Savannah was being a complete jerk to her. It made my magic burn. Even now as [Y/N] was putting her books down on her desk, Savannah walked over and pushed them off, feigning innocence and walking away, snickering. Oh she was just itching for a wild time. [Y/N] merely sighed and picked her books back up. As the year continued on, Savannah got worse. She tripped [Y/N], threw things at her, knocked over her lunch and other things of hers, even threw her backpack in a tree. I was growling every time I saw her. How dare she put [Y/N] through this. And [Y/N] never told her parents. I couldn't understand why. She kept making up excuses every time she was late or her things needed repair. They knew something was wrong, but she never caved. It was the last day of middle school for her and Savannah.. Was nowhere to be found. Strange. [Y/N] must have thought so too, because she went looking for her immediately after school. 'why?' She stopped at a spot near the stairs. Savannah was there, curled into a fetal position, crying. [Y/N] didn't hesitate. She sat next to Savannah, keeping to herself and waiting. "she's such a kind soul.." I sighed. "What? Are you going to tease me now?" I heard her whisper in a quieter voice, "God knows I deserve it.." 'huh. so savannah is as much a victim?' "No." [Y/N] replied simply. Savannah looked startled. "I treated you like crap. Why are you being so.. So freaking nice?" Savannah questioned hotly. [Y/N] just smiled. "I wanna be your friend!" Savannah looked shocked. I shook my head, smiling. "seen that coming."

Through out their high school carrier [Y/N] and Savannah became best friends. They always had each other's backs. One day on their senior year though.. "Savannah? You've been quiet all day. What's wrong?" Savannah stayed silent. "I can't help if you won't talk.." Savannah mumbled something and my sockets widened. 'what?!' "I'm sorry.. I couldn't hear you.." [Y/N] murmured. Savannah glared at her and stood up harshly. "I said that I have to move!" She realized her mistake quickly. "Sorry.. I.. Just don't want to leave you.. You're my only friend.." [Y/N] looked startled and sad. "You're my only friend too.. When do you have to go?"
"Thursday.. My parents just sprung it on me.."
"Oh Savannah.." [Y/N] hugged her friend, who hesitantly hugged her back. Making me a little jealous. "I'll miss you.."
"I'll miss you too, [Y/N]."

[Y/N] and her parents were in a car. I had no clue were they were off to. I was kicking my paws, waiting for the vehicle to stop when [Y/N]'s mom yelled out. "Ethan look out!" The car before us had screeched to a halt and Ethan tried to swerve out of the way only to be blindsided by another car. I tried to grab [Y/N] to protect her as the car flipped and crashed down a hill on that side of the highway, only stopping when the vehicle smashed into a tree. Everyone was bleeding. Everyone was hurt. I watched the ambulance come and bag [Y/N]'s parents. I went with as she was brought to the hospital.

It was 6 months after the accident and another man took [Y/N] in. I. Hated. Him. He mentally and physically abused my soul mate and I wanted to rip him apart. She dealt with it though. She looked so.. Broken.

I blinked out of it. She had a hard life too. I felt so bad. At least I had my dad back. At least Pap didn't stay dead. I looked to her. Something felt.. Off.. She was holding her head, her eyes were shadowed. "[Y/N]?" She started laughing and my soul dropped.

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