Part 14, end of level two

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Everyone looked at her body as it disappeared. Leok was the first to react. He ran to the boss and slashed it with his sword, he dealt a total of 99 damage! He than collapsed and was about to get stepped on as Eban pulled him away from the boss quickly. I screamed with rage and ran towards the boss and slashed it 20 times, dealing 5 damage each. It had 1 Hp left! We can do it! We can let Melody's death not be in vain! Silica aimed her bow and just as she fired the boss was surrounded in a shadow barrier of 10 Hp! The barrier broke and quickly reformed! Everyone just started attacking like crazy for the same reason. To avenge Melody. We destroyed the barrier again and again and it looked like the boss was getting weaker. Soon the barrier didn't come back and Mathias punched it as hard as he could, dealing 15 damage and the boss vanished. Soon we all passed out. I went into the darkness of sleep, thinking about Jack and Melody....both of them dead...

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