Everything just begun

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Toga walks up to everyone in the LOV very excited.

"What happen" everyone ask to Toga.

"Do you guys love me" Toga ask in a serious but happy voice.

"No" everyone answered and Toga left running out the door hoping someone would come to get her but no one did.

Toga's Pov:

I should go back its getting dark and I have no where to go except the LOV.I dont want to go but I have to.

Toga starts walking to the LOV and when she cracks the door open she here's someone say "We don't need Toga let her run off to the heros" Toga slams the LOV door shut and starts crying.

Later Y/N had just got back from shopping and saw Toga.
Y/N got ready to fight then saw that Toga was asleep and looked like she had been crying.Y/N knew she was a villain but they didn't care about that because they had felt the same way so Y/N put Toga in the back seat of there car and drove to Y/N's house.

As soon as they got to Y/N's house they laid Toga on the couch with a pillow and a blanket and then went to bed.

The next morning......

Y/N wakes up from hearing screaming downstairs and then figures out its was Toga because they forgot Toga was there.

To be continued........

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