16| The question is: The tea or me?

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A jolt traveled through my body as I felt someone abruptly pulling my arm towards them. Only half of my body was on the bed and the rest was falling off due to the aggressive pull.

Then I opened half of my eyes to see Louis pulling my arm, and yes not the hand, the whole arm.

I groaned and covered my face with one hand as I shook my head in a disappointment.

"Can you just let me sleep Louis, I told you I am not going to the dinner!", I yelled in disgust.

"Shut up and get out of the bed right now!" he yelled back continuing to pull my arm. Then he stopped for a second before pulling my arm harshly one more time which caused me to widen my eyes as I fell to the ground.

My face fell to the ground as I hit my fist on the surface.

"IAM NOT GOING!" I shouted standing up and brushing dust off my pants.

"You are going" he said crossing his arms," and that is final".

I winced as I held my arm in pain, "FINE!"

"I am not gonna forgive you for this" I mumbled under my breath and let out a sharp exhale.

I stomped my way towards the bathroom and slammed the door behind my back.

After freshening up, I opened my closet to see what it had to offer. Not much long time passed, and my eyes fell on a black dress. My mother gifted it to me on my birthday previous year and I loved it, the fit, the color, the polka dots, I loved everything.

I dressed myself in it and tied my hair into a low messy bun. To be honest, I feel like I haven't dolled up in ages and doing it actually made me feel better, I looked.....beautiful.

Adjusting the hem of my dress, I closed my room door and walked down the stairs. I didn't take too long to get ready, so I wasn't expecting any tantrums.

There he was, wearing a white button down shirt with navy blue pants. He sat leaning against the counter holding a- tea or coffee cup, who knows.

A smile crawled upon my face as I realized how good he looked. His hair fell over his eyes, gosh he looked so put together, the only thing left was a camera flash on his face.

I cleared my throat. Bringing the cup close to his lips, he looked at the cup, then at me, and then again at his cup. He showered the drink all over the floor and stuck out his tongue and started to pant.


I wandered frantically left and right to find tissue box, I finally found one and sat down.

"What happened?" I asked annoyed, as I wiped the floor clean.



"The tea, it was hot"

I shook my head at him in disappointment as I stood up, "You could have just blown on-, nevermind. It's okay let's go now."

I sat down on the couch trying to fit in my shoes, "Louis what are we going to do about the car, we can't walk to school everyday. Please do something about it".

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now