17| On each other's mind

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I silently gazed out the foggy window as I intertwined both of my hands, taking in the memories that crossed my mind.

This is the first time in years I have experienced this feeling, the feeling of loneliness. It has always been a routine, mom going out of the country for her stupid business trips, leaving me all by myself. During all this period, doesn't matter how old I was, I never felt I needed my mother this bad during her absence. I never felt that I need someone else to share my feelings with, to share my conflictions with.

A weak smile crawled upon my face as I remembered the times I used to go the café near our house with my mom. The place was very small, but just big enough to make both of us delighted. It was always the same time, around 9pm when we used to walk our way towards the café and buy every flavor of donut I laid my finger on. For me, this was the best time of the whole day, the only time I interacted with my mom when she came back from her office.

But then time changed, I changed and mom changed. Mom got so involved in her work that we didn't get to see each other all day long; making a trip at the café was another thing. Kaitlyn, one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met, used to work at that place. We created such a lovely bond between us that sometimes she used to give me extra donuts, and as much my love for the donuts, I used to gobble all of them up.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I moved my eyes around, thinking.

Kaitlyn....Kaitlyn I should go see her.

I put my jacket on and bent down to tie my shoe laces, "LOUIS I AM GOING!" I yelled to inform him.

I wouldn't leave before telling him, so when I received no response from the other side, I yelled again, "LOUIS IAM GOING OUTSID-"

He frantically ran down the stairs, a toothbrush in his mouth as he slurred, "It's 9pm"

"Yeah I know, there is this café, but I will be right back. Just lock the door please", I said clutching the door knob in my hand.

"Wait!" I turned around to face him, "Can I go with you?"

I bobbed my head as I thought, "Um, yeah sure"

He gave me a quick nod before heading back upstairs. After a couple of minutes, he came back, wearing a black hoodie. He ran his fingers through his brown hair and tied his shoes.

The best thing about this place is that even though the area is very small, it has large windows which allows us to take a view at the river just in front of our eyes. The atmosphere is just the top thing about it.

We walked just beside the river until we reached the brightly lighted café.

As soon as I stepped inside, the nostalgic feelings came rushing back. Nothing has changed, the same polished furniture with bright lights surrounding the place. And the most important, the gigantic trays of donuts aligned in front of us.

I grinned as I walked towards the counter, indicating Louis to sit down on one of the chairs.


The woman turned around to face me as her bright blue eyes filled with joy. She walked out of the counter and hugged me tightly making my breath hitch as I let out a laugh.

"My doll" she said which such affection in her voice. I smiled at her as she pulled me out of the hug and slightly gazed at Louis before turning back to me.

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now