Chapter 20: Forming a Plan

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"One, two, three, ONE!"

"One, two, three, TWO!"

"One, two, three, THREE!"

Krest panted as he pumped out reps of push-ups. It had been a few days since the whole situation with Arroyo occurred. Despite never being involved with anyone in such a matter Krest knew he messed up when he left so abruptly. Since then he's been trying to distract himself through menial tasks--the latest being exercise. Suddenly his exercise was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Uhh Captain, are you busy?" came Skitarr's muffled voice.

Krest got to his feet and pulled the top half of his body glove back on. He was surprised to say the least. Ever since their return from their encounter with Rakarth the good General hasn't relay spoken to Krest. She was most likely keeping an eye on Yao'l's Padawan so Krest never questioned it. "Not at all General, come in."

The door to his barracks whooshed open and General Skitarr walked in.

"Hope I didn't disturb your exercise Captain." Skitarr said, watching as Krest wiped himself off.

"No worries," Krest said. "What can I do for you General?"

"I overheard some of the men talking about you and ahem, Corporal Arroyo." Skitarr began.

Krest froze. He'd blocked the other day's events completely. He didn't want to think about them, he didn't have the time to think about them...about her. It pained him the way he walked out so abruptly. He wanted to stay but...he's the Captain of the 76th. He's supposed to be co-leading--no leading, Skitarr has hardly any experience in combat; it's pretty much up to him. Up to him to lead the company that is spearheading the siege on Separatist forces on Heldia: a planet with one of the heaviest outputs of war material in the Republic. Even under invasion the factories under Republic control are still pumping out tanks, weapons, ammunition. He couldn't afford a distraction, not at such a pivotal moment. But still...some part of him wanted to see Arroyo, if only to apologize.

"General, I'm not sure what the men have told you but I assure you these are all surely just baseless rumors." Krest reassured.

"Captain, I'm sure the gravity of the situation we are under is not lost on you. This is a very important time not just in the scope of Heldia, but the war in General. I overlook the bond you and your fellow clones share due to your nature. I cannot, however, overlook fraternization of...this kind." Skitarr continued. "If what I've heard is true, something as intimate as what you two have can and will be detrimental to our operations. You troops have one purpose and one purpose only Captain, to fight. If I am to work on regaining your trust, I expect you do your part in doing your duty!"

Krest's jaw clenched and his teeth gritted. One purpose? My duty?! All this coming from the woman who left me for dead under a piece of rubble! Krest could feel his face twist into a scowl but he quickly put on his poker face. "General, I assure you whatever you have heard are little more than rumors! Me and Corporal Arroyo are nothing but colleagues and whatever you hear to the contrary is completely false!"

Skitarr narrowed her eyes at him (something Krest had gotten used to). "Very well Captain. So long as this goes no further we will have no problems. You will report to the command center in one hour. General Yao'l has returned from friendly lines and it's time to draw up plans for our offensive."

"Yes, Sir." Krest muttered as she turned and left.

As the door closed Krest's anger boiled over and in a fit of rage and frustration punched the locker next to him. He removed his hand from the sizable dent in the locker and sighed. He needed to find out who was spreading these rumors and shut it down. Krest grabbed his helmet and exited his barracks. As he walked down the corridor towards the mess where most of the men were most-likely at he was stopped by the familiar sensation of a fist colliding with his cheek.

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