ʕ•̫͡•ʔ Part -2 ʕ•̫͡•ʔ

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Mew turned to his left side only to see Gulf was literally covered with sweat, his eyebrows frowned, shaking his head side to side. By all this analysis Mew knew Gulf was dreaming, maybe a nightmare. And to see Gulf in this state he started panicking. But it's not time to panic, it's time to reassure that Gulf was ok, and to tell him that it was a dream, nothing else.

"Gulf wake up!!! Please wake up!! It's ok, it's just a dream!!!!!"

He tried to calm him down and started to jarking Gulf to wake him up. After a few minutes Gulf woke up, then he sat up, panting heavily. As Mew also sat up and then Mew noticed Gulf was crying. He hated it the most to see his precious Gulfie cry.

"Hey a-are you ok!!? Just look at me and breathe ok?" He asked and as an answer Gulf just nods while raising his head to look at him and trying to regulate his breath.   

"Come here!" Mew said as he held Gulf in his arms in a comfortable embrace. Trying to soothe the latter's mind Mew started to caress Gulf's back with his thumb softly.

"Shhhhh……it's ok, don't cry! It's only a dream, it's not real at all." Mew softly said against his neck and that caused Gulf to cry harder.

"P-please d-don't leave me! Pleaseee!" Gulf begged between his sobs. Being in the man's warm embrace was so comforting that he didn't want to break it. He wanted to stay like that forever.

"I'm not going anywhere ok!? I'm right here with you, hugging you. I'm not going anywhere. Calm down." Mew said.

After a while when he felt Gulf calm down he pulled from the hug and made Gulf to face him. His eyes were red, puffy from all the crying. Mew used his thumb and wiped out the remaining tears and caressed his cheeks softly and Gulf closed his eyes as he leaned in to his touch. Mew cupped his face and gave him a kiss on his forehead before taking him in his embrace again and lay down.

"Just sleep ok!!? I'm here." Mew said and Gulf just nodded as he hugged Mew back & nuzzled his head to Mew's chest and drifted off to sleep. In that warm embrace he felt safe, protected, comfortable, that whatever he saw in that dream would never be able to reach out to him. Like Mew won't let that happen.

Next morning when he woke up he found himself in the same warm embrace. He looked up and watched the sleeping figure. Running his thumb from Mew's eyebrows to his nose to his cheeks and lastly he touched his bottom lip lightly.

As he was about to get up he felt Mew tighten his hold and pulled him closer and Gulf's breath hitched. His lips were inches apart from the latter's lip, he could feel other's breath on his lips, he could feel his heartbeat thundering against his chest.

He just stared at the sleeping figure. And before he knew Mew snapped open his eyes, adjusted the lights and looked directly into his eyes. Gulf blinked rapidly and he felt his face start to burn up.

Mew stared at Gulf. He wasn't stupid to not to notice the deep pinkies blush on Gulf's cheeks and neck. He chuckled and said "Good morning" not making the situation anymore awkward.

'Get yourself together GULF!!'

He screamed inside his mind.

"M-morning.." was the only thing he could manage to say.

"How was your sleep, hmm?" Mew asked again, sounded a little concerned.

"Umm.. it was good. Thanks for comforting me." Gulf retorted with a smile.

"That's great!" Mew said and returned the smile.

After the four of them got up and freshen up, they were sitting in a nearby tea shop while deciding what to do for the rest of the day.

"Umm.. let's go to the little town down there,"

Mew pointed down to the mountain.

"What do you all say?" He asked.

"Hmm… that's a good idea." Mild suggested.

So as they decided they took their car and drove to that small town. It wasn't that far, it took them 30 mins to reach there. As the town was small they couldn't find any hotels to stay but instead they found a cottage.

They rented two rooms as usual for them in that cottage, then put their luggages on their rooms and went to explore the tiny town. As the town was far from the big city so it's not too crowded so the cottage was also peaceful. The four of them sat at the side balcony of the cottage, enjoying the fresh atmosphere for a while. And in a blind of eyes it's already lunch time. So they returned to their cottage, took shower then ordered their lunch and after lunch they  all went to sleep as they were tired.

A knock interrupted Gulf from continuing his sleep. He was about to get up when he felt a weight on his body. He looked down with his sleepy eyes and found it's Mew's hand. Mew was hugging him from behind while they were sleeping. Even if it's a normal thing for Mew but it gives Gulf  hope that maybe he could be more than a friend. He smiled and took Mew's hand off from his waist and put it beside his pillow and went to open the door.

"Hello… how was your sleep with your boy?" Mild teased. It was Mild at the door.

"Shut up.. what are you doing here?" Gulf asked annoyingly. Because he hates it when someone interrupts his sleep.

"It's already 7pm. How much longer do you still want to sleep? Until tomorrow morning? If we are here to only sleep we could've stayed at home. Why come here? Huh!??" Mild snapped.

"Uhhh…. Okay! What do you want?" Gulf asked, rubbing his eyes.

"There's a small pub I wanna go there so wake your boy up and get ready to go there. Oh… and meet us in 30mins at the lobby." Mild said and walked towards his room.

Gulf sighed and went to wake up Mew. After 40mins they both met Boat & Mild in the lobby and went to the pub.

It's been 1hrs since they were in the pub, Boat & Mild were dancing like crazy and having fun. On the other side, Gulf was almost on the edge to combust in anger. For an hour there were so many girls, trying to flirt with Mew literally in front of him and Mew also flirted back with some of them which made his anger grow more and more. He also felt sad that he can't do that with Mew. It's like an invisible wall kept him away from his love.

He was busy in his thoughts when he felt someone was touching his arm. He looked up to see a pretty girl standing in front of him, wearing a red dress and there's a beer bottle in her other hand.

"Umm.. are you alone here?" The girl asked Gulf.

That's all for today...
Next chapter there will be a blast 💥💥

Wait for it....

Thanks for reading....
Till the next update stay tuned ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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