ʕ•̫͡•ʔ Part -4 ʕ•̫͡•ʔ

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Mew closed the gap and at a sudden move he crashed his lips onto Gulf's soft one.

Mew was drunk but not as much that he couldn't remember everything that's happening. He didn't want to think about tomorrow. He wanted to treasure this moment. He wanted time to stop. The moment his and Gulf's lips touched an electric spread through his spine. But he wanted more than a sweet kiss. His hand was loosening on Gulf's pinned hands.

But what made him surprised was Gulf's sudden action. Gulf pulled his hands from his grip. Mew thought Gulf would push him away and throw a punch and leave. But to his surprise Gulf snaked his both hands on his neck and started to kiss him back by deepening the kiss.

Mew was taken back for a few seconds but the next thing he knew he  started to devour Gulf's lips.

This sensation was new for them both. These feelings were new. Their hearts were hammering in sync in their chest. They were happy, contained.

Gulf would always think how it would feel to kiss Mew? He even had a dream about it, nothing more than a kiss tho.

He'd dream about them being on a date and after their dinner Mew would kiss him under the starry sky. So romantic.

But the feeling he was feeling now, no dream could ever describe it. The feeling of his best friend on whom he had a crush, was kissing him, devouring his lips, the warm touch of Mew's lips. He was too much into it.

Mew's tongue was already invading into his mouth, tasting every part of his mouth. Hands roaming over his back.

After a few minutes of their passionate kiss they pulled apart to take much needed air. They just stared at each other with half lidded eyes.

Mew thought now Gulf would think that it's a mistake, it just happened in the heat of their anger, they just went with the flow. But it was not a mistake for him. Not At All.

Did he not like it? He isn't angry right? But what if Gulf hates me now? OMG why did I do that? 

All the thoughts were flooding in his brain until he met Gulf's eyes. There he saw the softness in Gulf's face and especially eyes gave him another surprise.

Gulf's eyes were literally sparkling.

He pull himself together and asked in a hoarse voice

"You are not angry at me right?"

"W-why would I be angry at you?" Gulf asked back in confusion and frowned.

"Ummm…. because I k-kissed you?" Mew asked nervously.

Then he saw, Gulf's face turned into a tomato for blushing hard at the mention of kiss. Gulf looked down and shook his head as a NO.

Mew slapped himself in his mind for thinking all the negative thoughts. Now he's relaxed. Now that he knows that his Gulf didn't hate him for kissing him, he's happy, he's over the moon. He knew he should say it while he's sober but now he couldn't hold it in. Not after getting the green light from Gulf after their kiss.

He hold Gulf in his arms securely. Gulf's palms were resting on his chest. He was still not looking at his eyes as he was embarrassed. But Mew just couldn't hold it in anymore so he called



"Please don't hate me after what I'm about to say ok?"

At this sudden change of voice Gulf looked up and looked straight to Mew's eyes. Why would he hate him? He didn't know what Mew was about to say but he could say it's a serious thing.

What if Mew thinks that the kiss was a mistake? What if he doesn't want to see me anymore?

There were so many 'what ifs' flooding in his mind and unconsciously his eyes blurred with tears. But his thoughts were cut by Mew's soft voice.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

As he caressed Gulf's soft cheeks with his thumb and wipe the tears that was falling.

Gulf just shook his head and looked down again. But Mew cupped his face and made him look at him.

"I just wanted to say something, it's not something you should cry about. Please don't cry." Mew begged as he caressed Gulf's soft cheeks with a soft smile on his lips.

But Gulf again looked down. Mew closed his eyes, swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath then opened his eyes and said…

"I just wanted to say…… Uhm…. that I like you. N-not just as a friend but more than a friend"

With that being said Gulf looked up into his eyes with a shocking expression. Looking at Gulf's expression Mew almost cried. Because he knows he's about to lose his best friend. He thought his feelings were only from his side but again Gulf's sudden soft expression made him calm again, made his hopes high, made his heart flutter that maybe Gulf's feelings were as same as him. He was brought back to reality by Gulf's voice.

"W-what did you just say?"

"I said I like you. Not scratch that I love you. Not as a friend, not as a best friend. I want you to be more. More than a friend. I always have these feelings for you, from then when we weren't even friends." Mew confessed.

'But what about all of your ex-s?' Gulf thought.

"I have been suppressing all these feelings because I can't lose you because of my stupid feelings, but earlier when I saw you with that girl I just can't help it. That feeling, to see you with someone else was too much to take. I just couldn't let that happen without trying."

Mew once again cupped Gulf's face in between his hands. Gulf's eyes were filled with unleashed tears.

"I want you to be mine Gulfie, only mine. And I want to be yours. I want us to belong to each other. Please Gulf give me a chance to prove my love to you." Mew pleaded.

"You said you have feelings for me ever before we were friends. Then what about your ex-s?" Gulf asked confusedly.

"I went to all of those relationships because I wanted to forget all those feelings I have for you. I knew it's not possible between us. That you never saw me more than your friend. That's why I agreed to those relationships. But I just couldn't do it. I……. I just can't." Mew answered and shake his head.

With that being said Gulf's unleashed tears rolled down to his cheeks. He hugged Mew and sobbed in his chest. It was too much that their feelings were the same from the start and Mew loved him even before that.

They both were a pair of idiots but how could you blame them? They both were insecure, that they could lose the only person they treasure the most in their life.

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That's all for today... It's almost the end🤧🤧

Just 1 or 2 chapters maybe....

Let me know if y'all want a Epilogue chapter ok?????

Till then stay tuned 💞💞💞💞

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