The sound woke Anton and Paul Dilpont up. With a start , they looked out the window and stared at the strange figures smashing up houses and killing helpless people ferociously. Without delay , Anton jumped up , got dressed quickly and grabbed his grandfathers old double barrel shotgun out of the cupboard. Meanwhile , Paul ran into their sisters bedroom to wake her up and explain the situation as best as he could , he then told her to get dressed and wait in the landing while he got dressed.
When everyone was ready , they all went downstairs and ran out the back door and over the garden wall. Paul and Elizabeth [their sister] ran out to the street , followed swiftly by Anton still bearing the shotgun. The trio waited at a street corner while they thought about what to do. Anton loaded his shotgun. No-one knew what to do , they walked through the street not knowing where they were heading , the streets that they walked on every morning had become unrecognisable. Cars were scattered about on their sides like toy cars would be thrown about at a nursery although in a nursery the cars wouldn't be on fire. Elizabeth started to cry , she was the youngest out of the three of them , only 18. Paul put his arm around her telling her "It's going to be alright". This soothed her a lot even though Paul knew it was an empty promise. Paul couldn't bear to see his sister cry. Anton loved when his family showed compassion like that.
They looked around a corner and saw what looked like one of those things that were wrecking the street. It was beyond doubt that it was a robot! The robots have been the newest craze of Earth. Just weeks after its release , 9 out of 10 houses had at least one of these metal miracles , they were brilliant , they would do anything for you , no questions asked. But no-one knew what they were doing now , smashing up the street. The Dilpont family hadn't got a robot because they believed it would make you lazy and bossy. So the Dilpont house was robot free despite many people trying to convince them the other way , but whose laughing now?
There were 4 different types of robots; The Casual , a robot that was used for housework , The War Machines were used to help the police , The Crusher was used to get rid of rubbish and The Elite that was used for quarrying although the rumors that the government were using them for warfare were probably true. But all of the robots could kill and destroy. The Casuals could use their claws to rip human flesh , The War Machines had machine guns for arms that could shoot the brains out of any person , The Crushers could , well , crush nearly anything and The Elites could break doors down with their lasers or disintegrate an unfortunate passer-by , they could also fly by using the rockets on their feet. So overall , the robots were perfect killing machines. Thinking of it that way , how could an 18 , 20 and 21year old [Elizabeth , Anton and Paul] defeat even one of these robots?
Anton only had two bullets in his shotgun so he had to use them wisely because one missed shot could be the end of someone Else's life. As they were running down the wrecked street , Elizabeth got cut off from Paul and Anton by a Casual. They turned around and saw the Casual stick its claws into her hip , she screamed , Anton ran forward but Paul stopped him. "She's dead Anton , there's nothing we can do" said Paul with tears streaming down his face. Anton aimed his shotgun at the robot and squeezed a single shot straight at the robots head , but the bullet only grazed its head leaving a scar but no real damage.
Suddenly , a loud piercing noise filled the air and the robot ran off. Anton sprinted to the body of his sister , she wasn't dead but had lost so much blood that she was dying. "A-A-Anton , I-I-I'm sc-sc-scared." said Elizabeth looking into her brothers eyes as he rested her head on his knee.
"It's okay " said Anton with tears streaming down his face. "I'm here. don't worry. I'm here. Your not alone."
They watched as she slowly slipped away from them , slowly away from them until her breathing stopped and she looked like a rag doll lying on the ground that no-one touched or picked up , Elizabeth Dilpont was lost to this world. Paul stood there with tears streaming down his face just looking at the beautiful girl she was. Not only 15 minutes ago had he told her "Everything is going to be alright". Anton rested his head on her lap and started sobbing , wetting her jeans.
Anton stood up and looked at Paul. "You stopped me from trying to save her" he said.
"The Casual had already killed her , by trying to save her , you would've died as well probably" said Paul.
Anton was too upset to argue so he just picked up Elizabeth's body and stepped in through a broken window in a house and laid her on the sofa as it would be the most comfortable of places from where he was at the moment. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered " I love you , Goodbye" and he stepped back outside , picked up his shotgun and walked down the street.
Suddenly an Elite flew over the pairs heads , trying to shoot the brothers with it's laser cannon.They quickly ducked for cover , Anton had one bullet left in his gun so he stood up and shot the Elite in the neck , there was a sound of electric sparks and the soaring tin can hurled to the ground blowing up a car.
The Dilpont brothers ran around a corner , uncertain of where to go.
TRS (The Robot Survivors.)
Science FictionThis story is about a lot of things , death , humanity , survival and ......... robots! In the year 2099 , robots have been used all over the world for cleaning , cooking , and working. The robots had no mind so you could treat them whatever way y...